I presume that you get the Governor of Pennsylvania's regular newsletter.
It is interesting to note that as a coal mining State, his emphasis is on jobs from renewable energy...and no mention of CTL.  He claims to have developed 1500 jobs already and anticipates 35,000 jobs in renewable energy industries.
And his emphasis is on Energy Independence.
There is also a bit of a sleeper out there in the shale oil of Utah, Colorado and other sites.  There are those stating that the real stealth energy strategy of the US Government, as expressed in the current energy bill before Congress and the one passed in 2005, is empowering companies to begin serious drilling to extract oil from these Western oil shale deposits.  The sites are almost all public lands.
The estimates are that the reserves there are the largest deposits of crude in the world...and while there has been a hold placed upon these deposits since the late 30's, they are now being developed rather quietly by the Bush Administration as a hedge against energy security threats.
The current estimates is that the oil there can be recovered for anywhere from $25 to $45 per barrel.  
I am sure that you would agree that we must take this into consideration  as we develop our energy plan.
----- Original Message -----
From: PA Governor's Newsletter
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 4:54 PM
Subject: Governor Rendell: Enhancing National Security through Energy Independence

September 7, 2007 Governor's Homepage | Contact the Governor

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Enhancing National Security Through
Energy Independence

Gov.Rendell talks about energy independence

After five years at war in Iraq, most experts are asking if our national interests can be protected given the level of our nation's dependence on oil from the Persian Gulf. In fact, last week, former CIA Director James Woolsey said America’s growing dependence on foreign oil is one of the greatest threats to the nation’s security and economy.

His views are echoed by many of our nation's most trusted former military and political leaders. To say that the oil producing nations have us “over a barrel” is an understatement.

To get out of this precarious situation, federal and state governments must pass legislation and appropriate resources to accelerate the production of domestic sources of renewable energy and fuels. To this end, I’ve called a special session of the General Assembly on energy independence, which begins Sept. 17th. This special session will address my Energy Independence Strategy as well as debate other proposals that achieve similar ends.

Energy IndependenceMy strategy will reduce the nation's dependence on foreign fuels and save consumers $10 billion in energy costs over the next decade by dramatically increasing Pennsylvania’s alternative and renewable energy production capacity.

Instead of Pennsylvanians sending $30 billion each year to the Persian Gulf to buy oil, we can invest that money in Pennsylvania by paying our farmers for the crops that produce ethanol and biodiesel. My PennSecurity Fuels program will require 1 billion gallons of biofuels to be produced and consumed within Pennsylvania by 2017. This proposal puts Pennsylvanians to work and makes our nation safer.

In addition to decreasing our reliance on foreign fuels, our state's energy infrastructure needs to become more efficient and diversify in order to ensure that electricity is affordable for our residents and our industries. Already, some Pennsylvanians have suffered the sticker shock caused by the expiration of caps on electricity rates. Over the next three years more Pennsylvanians will see their rates increase as these caps expire.  My strategy can soften the impact of the cap expiration by investing $850 million in solar and wind energy production as well as in conservation improvements in the electricity distribution systems.

My proposal rewards consumers who purchase energy-efficient appliances and those who decrease energy usage in their homes.

My Energy Independence Fund will attract new companies to Pennsylvania and help grow those already here in the alternative energy sector in our state. And, it will mean our consumers save money on their electricity bills.
I believe it is urgent that the members of the General Assembly debate and pass a sound energy package that: (1) increases our national security by addressing our reliance on foreign oil; (2) invests funds to ensure Pennsylvania has the best alternative energy and conservation companies; and (3) rewards consumers who conserve energy.

By adopting a strategic approach, Pennsylvania can declare its energy independence in a way that creates new economic opportunity for our state while also strengthening national security. 


To find out where the Governor is going to be next, check his Public Schedule!

Governor Rendell's Office, 225 Main Capitol Building, Harrisburg, PA, 17120

Photos courtesy of Commonwealth Media Services.

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