Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

--- On Mon, 2/9/09, aaron.isherwood@sierraclub.org <aaron.isherwood@sierraclub.org> wrote:
From: aaron.isherwood@sierraclub.org <aaron.isherwood@sierraclub.org>
Subject: Fw: ADVISORY: Hearing to Decide Fate of Coal River Mountain
To: "Jim Sconyers" <jim_scon@yahoo.com>, "Regina Hendrix" <regina1936@verizon.net>, "William DePaulo" <william.depaulo@gmail.com>
Cc: Bill_Price.SIERRACLUB@sierraclub.org
Date: Monday, February 9, 2009, 1:01 PM

Please share with your contacts.

February 9, 2009

Contact: Oliver Bernstein, Sierra Club, 512.477.2152

Hearing to Decide Fate of Coal River Mountain

This Tuesday, the West Virginia Surface Mine Board will hold a hearing to decide whether Massey Energy may begin the process of destroying Coal River Mountain and its wind farm potential.

Coal River Mountain is a symbol of the choices facing our country right now. Local residents want to put a wind farm on the mountain, generating long-term jobs and beginning a new economic model for the area. Massey Energy wants to blow up portions of the mountain to get to the coal below. Nowhere is our choice between dirty fuels of the past and a clean energy future more clearly defined.

WHAT: Hearing on the future of Coal River Mountain

WHEN: 8:30 a.m. Eastern

WHERE: Department of Environmental Protection
        601 57th Street
        Charleston, WV

For more information, visit
http://www.coalriverwind.org/ or www.sierraclub.org/coal


Oliver Bernstein
Sierra Club
Deputy Press Secretary
1202 San Antonio St.
Austin, Texas 78701
Phone: 512.477.2152
Fax:   512.477.8526
Cell:  512.289.8618
Email: Oliver.Bernstein@sierraclub.org