fyi, paul

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Verena Owen <>
Date: Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 3:08 PM
Subject: Fwd: RSVP NOW: Coal Ash Mega Strategy Call Nov. 18 at 2pm

If you want to join us on the coal ash call, pls RSVP per instructions below.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lyndsay Moseley <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 12, 2009 12:31 pm
Subject: Fw: RSVP NOW: Coal Ash Mega Strategy Call Nov. 18 at 2pm


Will you forward this to the appropriate activist lists?

Lyndsay Moseley
Washington Representative
Sierra Club
408 C St. NE
Washington, DC 20002
tel: 202-548-4581
fax: 202-547-6009

----- Forwarded by Lyndsay Moseley/Sierraclub on 11/12/2009 01:32 PM -----
Lyndsay Moseley/Sierraclub
11/12/2009 01:16 PM
RSVP NOW: Coal Ash Mega Strategy Call Nov. 18 at 2pm

Coal Campaigners,

Sierra Club is co-hosting a call (with Earthjustice and Environmental Integrity Project) next Wednesay Nov. 18th at 2pm ET to discuss our national strategy on coal ash with grassroots organizers and leaders. This will be a great opportunity to get the current state of play on coal ash, ask questions, find out about resources available to support advocacy around EPA's coming coal ash rule, and participate in shaping our grassroots campaign around coal ash.

If you are interested:
1) Please check your schedule and RSVP (see below) asap!
2) Please invite volunteer leaders and coalition partners to join the call as well.

Please let me know if you have any questions
-- Lyndsay

Lyndsay Moseley
Washington Representative
Sierra Club
408 C St. NE
Washington, DC 20002
tel: 202-548-4581
fax: 202-547-6009

----- Forwarded by Lyndsay Moseley/Sierraclub on 11/12/2009 12:22 PM -----
"Lisa N. Widawsky" <>
11/09/2009 09:50 PM
"Lisa N. Widawsky" <>
RSVP NOW: Prevent Another TVA Disaster - Join Our Coal Ash Mega Strategy Call Nov. 18 at 2pm

Greetings grassroots organizer,
There are just a few weeks until U.S. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson will announce new proposed regulations governing coal ash disposal.  Please join us November 18 at 2 pm EST for a brief telephone discussion with coal ash and media experts to learn how you can organize to build support for EPA rules that finally treat coal ash as the hazardous waste we all know it is.  We will provide information about EPA’s upcoming coal combustion waste disposal rule, state-specific fact sheets on coal ash ponds and landfills in 35 states, and media tools to help get the word out to your members and communities about the critical need for EPA to designate coal ash as hazardous.  You’ll be able to ask questions, get information, and prepare for public hearings on the coal ash rules.
On October 8, well over a hundred organizations from across the country signed onto an important letter to Congress asking members to join Congressman John Lewis’s letter on the dangers of coal ash disposal.  We’re asking you now to continue this fight by joining an effort to push EPA and Congress to protect public health and the environment from this hazardous waste.
EPA has said repeatedly it plans to propose the first ever regulation for coal combustion waste disposal before the end of this year.  The agency has already sent a draft of its proposed regulation to the Office of Management and Budget, which means the proposal could come out very soon. We invite you to join Earthjustice, the Environmental Integrity Project, Sierra Club, and hundreds of other groups in a discussion about the upcoming proposal and ways you can help.
Polluters are pushing hard on EPA to avoid designating coal ash as hazardous. However, a hazardous waste designation means much stronger safeguards for communities surrounding hundreds of coal ash ponds and landfills. We’re relying on grassroots groups from across the country to get the word out to your members and engage your local media on the importance of regulating coal ash as hazardous waste. We must push back against industry claims and send a strong, unified message to EPA and our elected officials that the time to clean up toxic coal ash dumps is now!
RSVP to Jeremy Graham at Earthjustice ( or 202-667-4500, x217). We’ll send out more information about the call including a telephone number and speaker lineup as the date approaches.
If you have any questions, please contact Jared Saylor at Earthjustice (, Lisa Widawsky at the Environmental Integrity Project (, or Lyndsay Moseley at the Sierra Club (
For more information about coal ash and the danger it poses to our water and to the health of communities across the United States, please see the information and reports available at  Also, the Sierra Club is in the process of creating a Federal Coal Ash Regulation listserv – stay tuned for details on how you can opt-in to the listserv.  
Please join us in the fight to protect all communities from the dangers of hazardous coal ash.
Lisa Widawsky
Environmental Integrity Project
1920 L Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
202.263.4452 (direct)
202.294.3282 (cell)
202.296.8822 (fax)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To unsubscribe from the COAL-CAMPAIGN-FORUM list, send any message to: COAL-CAMPAIGN-FORUM-signoff-request@LISTS.SIERRACLUB.ORG Check out our Listserv Lists support site for more information:

Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV  25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361

"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha