Greetings:  this seems like a good task for the Energy Committee. And something that could be done fairly quickly if a volunteer or 2 step forward to do an LTE.  I will do one LTE for an EP newspaper.  Can we also hit Morgantown and Charleston?
thanks, paul

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paul Wilson <>
Date: Oct 12, 2007 10:59 AM
Subject: Fwd: A Federal Energy legislation: [energy activists] Important activist materials
To: Paul Wilson <>


The Sierra Club's No. 1 federal legislative priority is to pass a
strong energy bill this fall.  While some other organizations are
devoting time to possible action later this fall on the
Lieberman-Warner Global Warming legislation, we frankly believe that
real action on global warming will be achieved if we can pass an
energy bill that increases the MPG of cars and light trucks and
mandates renewable energy standards for utilities.  This is a MUST
pass bill for us.

In our region, our principal congressional work will be centered in
MD, TN and VA.  That is not to say that you can't be very helpful in
other states by calling your member of congress and writing letters to
the editors.  Each Tuesday evening at 8:30 PM our DC Energy Team
sponsors a conference call to update us on the current status of the
energy legislation and strategy. If you would like to join these calls
and play a role in passing the energy legislation, please let know of your interest. Also, please let
me know, if you have any questions or if you need assistance.  See
materials attached that Allison sent our to her energy activist list
–I apologize you have already received these materials.  Thanks, Glen

Glen Besa, Regional Director

Sierra Club Appalachian Region

(DC, DE, GA, MD, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV)

422 East Franklin Street, Suite 302

Richmond, VA 23219

O-804-225-9113 x 104




From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 8:15 PM
Subject: [energy activists] Important activist materials

As we continue to build expectations for a strong energy bill that
includes the best provisions from the House- and Senate-passed
legislation, there are several key activities that will help us raise
the noise and create demand.

Ideally, in each congressional district this month, we would place
several LTEs in local newspapers, hold a Solutions Tour and get Sierra
Club leaders to an in-district meeting with the member of Congress and
their staff. I look forward to what we will accomplish...

October actions

1. Send a Letter to the Editor (LTE) of your state and local
newspapers. Congressional staff collect any printed references to
their bosses: Getting a short letter printed is an easy way to send a
strong message to members of Congress and the public. Take advantage
of local and national energy news to respond with an LTE calling for
action by your Senators and Representative. Get other activists
involved. Sample LTEs are attached.

2. Organize a "Solutions Tour" in order to highlight real clean
energy and energy efficiency solutions at work in your town or county.
The tour should engage your members of Congress and the media: At a
press conference at the end of the Tour, call on Congress to take
action and pass a strong energy bill this fall. Tours should take
place before October 31, if possible, or in early November. Tour
materials are attached.

3. Meet with your Representative and Senators. Every member of
Congress can demand a strong final energy bill that takes critical
steps to curb global warming, create jobs and lower energy bills.
Please coordinate with fellow activists, Sierra Club staff and Chapter
leaders to set up meetings with your Representative and Senators AS
SOON AS POSSIBLE. In-district meeting guidance, including lobby report
form, is attached.

Allison Forbes
National Conservation Organizer
Sierra Club Global Warming and Energy Program
(202) 548-6583

Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV  25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-6975