really good email campaign that goes to the Council on Environmental Quality and our reps in Congress.  fyi, paul 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Dow <>
Date: Thu, May 10, 2012 at 5:06 PM
To: Patricia Matejcek Gmail <>, Alison Robb <>, Paul Wilson <>


Begin forwarded message:

From: Catskill Citizens for Safe Energy <>
Date: May 10, 2012 9:51:50 AM EDT



Take Action!


Demand an energy policy that makes sense. Take Action!

Energy companies love to wrap themselves in the flag of energy independence, but in fact they have a history of exploiting American resources in a way that benefits foreign nations, not the United States.

In recent decades, mountaintop removal (MTR) coal mining has destroyed an area the size of Rhode Island. Biologically diverse ecosystems have been wiped out. Thousands of miles of streams have been poisoned, or have disappeared under mountains of rubble. Contaminated air and water have created a health crisis for rural communities that face epidemic rates of birth defects and childhood disease. Adding insult to grievous injury, we've been shipping our Appalachian coal overseas.

And now, rather than rethinking the insanity of MTR, the U.S. is about to embark on yet another ruinous venture, one that will create an even greater environmental and health crisis here at home so energy corporations can make a killing abroad.

The broad outlines of the gas industry’s master plan are clear—frack the hell out of America so U.S. energy companies can become leading exporters of natural gas. The industry has already begun spending tens of billions of dollars to construct pipelines and export terminals to ship liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe and Asia. When these terminals are complete, the industry will be able to sell U.S. gas in foreign markets at prices that may be five or six or seven times the current rate here at home. Gas corporations will make out like bandits, while the U.S. taxpayer will be left to cope with the environmental damage and the inevitable public health crisis that will follow in the wake of contaminated air and drinking water supplies.

No Frack!


Demand protective legislation. Take Action!            

Take Action!

  • In 2005, the gas industry wanted a state law that would force landowners to have gas known to be under their land extracted against their will. No problem. A compulsory integration bill, written by lobbyists, sailed through both houses of the legislature with unanimous support. In 2008, the industry was back in Albany because it wanted a well-spacing law to facilitate shale gas extraction. Once again, the legislature quickly gave the industry what it wanted.

  • But although ordinary New Yorkers have been demanding basic protections from fracking for years, the legislature still hasn’t managed to enact a single law in the public interest. Will this year be any different? Will the legislature pass a bill requiring a much-needed health impact assessment of fracking? Will it close the drilling waste loophole that lets the industry dump toxic waste without adequate supervision? Will it accomplish anything at all before the current session winds down?

  • The Cuomo Administration and the DEC continue to offer conflicting estimates of when fracking will get underway in New York. We’ve been told it will be this spring, or in the summer, or in the fall, or maybe sometime before the end of the year, or perhaps never. It’s hard to read these mixed signals as anything more than a cynical ploy to keep the public confused and activists off guard.

  • Recently DEC Commissioner Martens told the press that his department will “consider” local laws that prohibit fracking when it issues drilling permits, but he failed to say whether the DEC will actually respect the laws enacted by dozens of communities who don’t trust Governor Cuomo, or the DEC, or the legislature to offer them the protections they deserve.


Recently, Catskill Citizens partnered with Sungevity, a company that provides solar installations for home and businesses. If someone purchases a solar installation through our website, the purchaser and Catskill Citizens each get a check for $750.

We didn’t form this partnership because we’re desperate for money, or because we’ve sold out to corporate interests. We did it because we think the company has a business model that deserves recognition. Sungevity is one of several companies that will install photovoltaic (PV) systems on homes at no cost to the homeowner—the company makes its money by collecting the available tax incentives and through monthly leasing payments that are less than the homeowner’s savings on their utility bill. This not-a-penny-out-of- pocket-ever business model is important because it undermines the argument that renewable energy systems are expensive and beyond the reach of ordinary Americans. Solar is here now—and anyone can afford it.

Can New York Learn from Texas?  Economist Jannette Barth’s latest analysis of the economic impact of shale gas plays.

Read more about LNG exports by entering the word “exports in the “Search” feature of our website.

On July 28, citizens from all across the country will rally in Washington, D.C. for a national day of action. Read more at

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Two out of three people who find out about fracking think the risks aren't worth the rewards.

Public awareness is the key to our success, so spread the word!

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Paul Wilson
Sierra Club
504 Jefferson Ave
Charles Town, WV  25414-1130
Phone: 304-725-4360
Cell: 304-279-1361

"There is no forward until you have gone back" ~Buddha

"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle