A politically astute friend of mine is voting for Raece on the premise that he will be easier to defeat in a future election. 

From: ec-bounces@osenergy.org [mailto:ec-bounces@osenergy.org] On Behalf Of Jim Sconyers
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 12:52 PM
To: Harvard; Bob Kincaid
Cc: Clarissa Matthews; George rutherford; Theresa Chiotos; Blair Nomination List Serve; All of FOM list; Pearl Reardon; Lyn Widmyer; Sally Fitzgerald; Robbie Glenn; Lynn Yellot; Tyler Oyler; John Maxey; Barbara A. Humes; Terry Thorson; Jenny Allen; ec@osenergy.org; Ed Snyder
Subject: Re: [EC] [fom] Re: Gazette Poll

Or is this an election where King Coal wins regardless of which party, Dem or Rep? Both kiss His ass feverishly.
Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

From: Harvard <Harvard@boone.net>
To: Bob Kincaid <bobkincaid@gmail.com>
Cc: Clarissa Matthews <cmathews@shepherd.edu>; George rutherford <gruther1@msn.com>; Theresa Chiotos <theresa@radlib.com>; Blair Nomination List Serve <bmg@lists.berkeley.edu>; Lynn Yellot <lyellot@direcway.com>; Pearl Reardon <hugorance@comcast.net>; Lyn Widmyer <lynwidmyer@gmail.com>; Sally Fitzgerald <fitzwrt@comcast.net>; Terry Thorson <tkthorson@comcast.net>; All of FOM list <fom@lists.riseup.net>; Tyler Oyler <thegreatrepublic@hotmail.com>; John Maxey <maxey@ddi.radlib.com>; Barbara A. Humes <bhumes1@comcast.net>; Robbie Glenn <rglenn51989@gmail.com>; Jenny Allen <jbeallen@earthlink.net>; ec@osenergy.org; Ed Snyder <esnyder@shepherd.edu>
Sent: Thu, October 7, 2010 9:32:54 AM
Subject: Re: [fom] Re: Gazette Poll

Hear! Hear! I like it. Go Bob. Harvard

At 04:57 PM 10/6/2010, Bob Kincaid wrote:
> Personally, I think there IS a great deal of disenchantment w/ Manchin (and, by extension, w/ Raese).
> Hopefully, I'll have an OpEd coming out in the Gazette pointing up that lack of enthusiasm for both candidates, and pointing out the alternative.
> Again, personally, I think Manchin is so stuffed-to-popping with his own hubris that it doesn't even dawn on him that he's alienated a significant portion of the Democratic voting base via his sycophantic devotion to Big Poison.  I don't think it dawns on Rahall, either, for that matter.
> As Hunter Thompson once noted, "Big darkness, soon come."  This may be one race where coal can't keep the lights on for either candidate.
> Bob
> On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Harvard <<mailto:Harvard@boone.net>Harvard@boone.net> wrote:
> Regina- I'm surprised to see the 3rd party vote up at 44%. There must be a lot of unhappiness with Manchin and the R. Or we are loading up the voting. Since the question was asked in the hypothetical, I voted. Harvard
> At 11:27 AM 10/6/2010, Regina Hendrix wrote:
> West Virginians:
> Please go to <<http://www.wvgazette.com/>http://www.wvgazette.com/>http://www.wvgazette.com/
> On the lefthand side scroll down to the survey question and vote for 3rd party representation in WV.  Ken Hechler and Larry Gibson have called this to  my attention and we need some votes in favor of 3rd parties.
> Regina Hendrix
> --
> "A normal person, functioning well on the upper levels of a prosperous, industrialized society, can hardly hear his conscience at all."  -Kurt Vonnegut