Stream buffer zone rule has still not been approved by EPA, but apparently this rule is one of the ones needing only 30 days advance notice, not 60 as many of us had assumed.
Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

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Sent: Monday, December 1, 2008 11:52:09 AM
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Google News Alert for: stream buffer zone

Kentucky Objects to Proposed Change for Mining Waste
EP Magazine - Dallas,TX,USA
... weaken a 1983 federal regulation that restricts where mining waste can be dumped, a so-called "Excess Spoil minimization -- Stream Buffer Zone" rule. ...
See all stories on this topic

Google Blogs Alert for: stream buffer zone

Still no action taken of the Stream Buffer Zone Rule Change
By Kevin Pentz
For those of you who have been trying to follow the twists and turns of the saga that has been the rule making of the changes to the Stream Buffer Zone rule, the good news is that so far the Bush administration has not changed the rule. ...
KFTC Blog -

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