See note from Don Garvin below:  This Gas rule may be the major battle of the Marcellus campaign.

Office of Oil & Gas


35 CSR 8 – Rule Governing the Development of Horizontal Wells – This is a new rule, necessitated by the passage of HB 401 on December 14, 2011.  OOG has taken the applicable sections of the existing rule governing conventional oil and natural gas wells (35 CSR 4 – Oil and Gas Wells and Other Wells) and transferred them to this new rule, and further expanded on the new Natural Gas Horizontal Well Control Act in the following areas: erosion and sediment control plan; site construction plan; water management plan; well site safety plan; casing and cementing standards; well records, including records and disclosure of chemicals used in the hydraulic fracturing process; water supply testing; and construction standards for large wastewater pits and freshwater impoundments.


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Larry Harris sent me this late last week while I was in the hospital.  He is on the DEP Advisory Council.  This is a summary.  Apparently the actual rules have not been posted yet for public comment, etc. The Advisory Council meets on June 21 at 1:30 PM at DEP in Charleston.
There is a new horizontal drilling rule proposed.  It is the last item in the document.  There are no details provided yet.
don garvin