Re-sending.  It is supposed to be a WORD document, but mine did not open either.

>>> "James Kotcon" <> 5/4/2012 2:49 PM >>>

As discussed at the Chapter ExCom, attached is a sample postcard to support EPA's proposed carbon standard for new power plants.  This is a great member involvement tool.  Our goal is to get several hundred comments from West Virginia by June 5.  I will be printing copies onto cardstock (and use that if you plan to have people mail them), but any good paper will suffice for signatures if you collect them yourselves.

Jim Kotcon
304-293-8822 (office)
304-594-3322 (home)

As a quick reminder, the Proposed Carbon Standards:

Require new power plants to limit carbon pollution to 1,000 lbs CO2 per megawatt-hour

Apply to all new power plants, except for those with air permit in-hand that can begin construction in 12 months

Links for more information:

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Password: explore