The part that really makes me laugh about TransGas's plan is this statement:

Victor said his firm hopes to persuade the federal government to grant it a right of way to send carbon dioxide emissions through interstate pipelines to the Texas coast, where it could be pumped underground to help force out more oil and gas, and to be safely sequestered.

Then he points out that he doesn't want any special financial favors from the State if it prevents his company from moving forward quickly.  ;)


James Kotcon wrote:
The recently announced CTL Plant for Mingo County is being proposed by a
company called TransGas Development Systems.  Their web page has
relatively little in the way of actual accomplishments in CTL, and does
not yet list the Mingo County project.
The story in the Charleston Gazette indicated the company had problems
getting a gas-fired power plant built in New York.  The story below
indicates that their final request for a re-hearing was denied.  A State
Senator noted  “TransGas never made a good-faith effort to do the
right thing by this community.”

Do we really want this company in West Virginia?


Story below is available at:

TransGas Denied Rehearing for Proposed Power Plant in Greenpoint 

Senator Dilan Announces Another Victory for the Neighborhood

            Albany, NY -  State Senator Martin Malavé Dilan
(D-Brooklyn) is pleased to announce another victory in keeping an
environmentally dangerous power plant from being built on the Greenpoint
waterfront. TransGas had put forward several proposals for building a
power generating facility in a neighborhood only now recovering from
more than a century of environmental abuse.

            Although the TransGas proposal was rejected by the New York
State Department of Public Service earlier this year, TransGas
petitioned for a rehearing by the Department’s State Board on
Electrical Generation Siting and the Environment. The Board originally
rejected TransGas’s proposal due to multiple problems in the
environmental, aesthetic and land use impacts. 

            In their ruling on the rehearing, “The Siting Board today
denied the petition for rehearing since the company simply restated
arguments previously rejected as invalid.”

            “The Siting Board has once again used good judgment in
denying this request. The city is moving to transform 28 acres around
Bushwick Inlet into a park and recreation area. How can you compare that
to an environmentally hazardous Power Plant?” said Senator Dilan.
“TransGas never made a good-faith effort to do the right thing by
this community.”

            A copy of today’s decision in Case 01-F-1276, when
issued, will be available on the New York State Public Service
Commission's ( Web site by accessing the
Commission’s File Room section of the homepage.

<> 12/10/2008 6:12 AM >>> sent you this article
December 10, 2008
Coal plant emissions in question ( )
By Ken Ward Jr. (
Staff writer
A New York firm wants to build a $3 billion coal-to-liquids plant in
Mingo County, but has not yet come up with a firm plan to control the
facility's carbon dioxide emissions. 
Read more ( )
See DEP permit 

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