Analysis: EQT Paying $9K-$10K per Acre for WV/PA Acreage

researchYesterday MDN reported that EQT is buying another 60,000 Marcellus/Utica acres (along with buying out Trans Energy) in transactions totally $683 million (see EQT Buys Trans Energy + 60K Marc/Utica Acres in 2 Deals for $683M). One of our favorite Seeking Alpha analyst/authors, Richard Zeits, has done a deep dive into the deal. Zeits reports the deal works out to be $9-$10,000 per acre on average, which is in line with other recent deals of this type.  (He is apparently expert at long division. --- dgn)

NOTE:  These big money deals portend extreme disturbances for PA & WV.  

Duane Nichols,