----- Original Message -----From: James KotconSent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 11:04 AMSubject: Re: [EC] WV Net Metering rules vs. "Alternative" energyThe original net-metering rules, established around 2007, only applied to large utilities, and exempted the small municipal systems and rural coops in the state. This new rule would apply to all sellers of electricity, including those smaller systems with <30,000 customers.The new net-metering rules were mandated in the Alternative and Renewable Energy Portfolio Act of 2009, pushed by Gov. Manchin. The biggest concern I have is that it extends the net-metering to non-renewable sources including various coal, tire-derived-fuels, natural gas, waste coal, and coal-bed methane. Furthermore, it retains the limit of 1 % of the utilities aggregate load, and no more than 15 % on any one 3-phase line or 5 % on a single-phase line. I think that means that an industrial facility using a waste coal or natural gas generator could preclude net-metering to residences using wind or solar. The more I think about this, the more it seems like a REALLY BIG PROBLEM.While the Governor's bill established the portfolio standard, it is not clear that it was meant to apply to the net-metering program.JBK
>>> "John Balasko" <mjmb@westco.net> 2/3/2010 10:49 AM >>>
This may be the original "net metering order" filed by the Commissioners for all electric utilities. Why don't the currently proposed rules apply to all electric utilities and not just those with less than 30,000 customers, and what are the significant differences? In response to the case 06-0708-E-GI, several smaller utilities filed net metering tariffs with the Commission. Mr. Rodecker filed for the Philipi utility. I'm new to this area, but I was told by a friend who has solar panels that excess generation produced by the customer was not paid for by the utility. The currently proposed rules provide for a true-up at the end of each reporting period. I'll have to do some more reading.John
06-0708-E-GI 01/26/2007 Order View Document General investigation into net metering, smart metering and interconnection standards set forth in the Federal Energy Policy Act of 2005 Commission Final Order that all electric utilities providing service are directed to file the net metering tariff on or before 2/15/2007; that each electric utility shall inform its customers of the net metering tariff and contact information for those customers interested; that each utility shall file affidavit evidencing notice on or before 4/10/2007; etc. Case Final. Removing from open docket. From: Bill HowleySent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 9:49 AMTo: John BalaskoSubject: Re: [WVaPATH] WV Net Metering????? The rules for larger power companies may already be in place. I know of quite a few people who have been doing net metering with Allegheny and Appalachian Power for a couple of years now. The rules you note only apply to smaller utilities that do not have net metering programs in place. Allegheny has been doing net metering in MD for ten years. They already have programs set up. This rule is specifically for smaller WV companies, because they have never had to do net metering before.
Del. Mike Manypenny from Taylor County has introduced a bill in the current legislative session that would dramatically expand WV's net metering program. Right now, net metering is set up so that any credits you run by producing more power than you use disappear in a relatively short time. Manypenny's new bill (I'll get you a bill number soon) allows businesses, homeowners and farmers to become net producers of electricity by requiring power companies to actually purchase power from you up to certain limits. I believe Manypenny's bill requires power companies to buy power up to 3 megawatt hours per year from businesses and 1 megawatt hour per year from farmers.
John Balasko wrote:Thom, Kathy, Donna, Bill, WVPATHI thought you all might enjoy the continuation of this joke that we have gotten ourselves into.Is this something that requires lobbying action?
GO 258 02/02/2010 Order View Document General Order No. 258 Commission Procedural Order that the Rules Governing Electric Utility Net-Metering Arrangements and Interconnections are promulgated as Commission proposed legislative rules; directing the Executive Secretary to publish a copy of the Notice of Rulemaking in Charleston; directing the Executive Secretary to serve a copy of the Notice by electronic mail or by First Class Mail upon all electric utilities operating in WV; directing the Executive Secretary to file a copy of the Rules with the Office of the Secretary of State; establishing a comment period; Initial Comments may be filed on or before 4/4/2010; Reply Comments may be filed until 5/5/2010; etc. The way I read the proposed rules Allegheny Power and Appalachian Power would be exempt from net metering because they serve more than 30,000 customers.Here is a list of the other generators affected:Black Diamond Power, Elk Power, Union Power, City of New Martinsville, City of Philippi, Craig-Botetourt Electric Coop; Harrison Rural Electrification, Shenandoah Valley ElectricAlso, "The total rated generating capacity of all customers servedunder this tariff shall be limited to one percent (1%) of the Company single hour peak load
during the previous year.
Do you think the legislature will approve the proposed rules????? The whole state and everything in it is controlled by COAL.Why do we allow our metallurgical coal to be shipped to China, India, and Eastern Europe by Consol, Massey, and others. If these companies and our "leaders" were so concerned about "national security," the shipments would be stopped.John__._,_.___.![]()
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