For those who still think natural gas is a way to reduce greenhouse gases, join the EE campaign team.  Lower your bills, create thousands of jobs, and save the planet!
Jim Kotcon
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jennifer Miller <>
Date: Thu, May 2, 2013 at 12:50 PM
Subject: Report: More US C02 reductions from EE than Switching in Nat Gas
"Energy related CO2 emissions in the US fell by 205 million metric tons in 2012. CO2 Scorecard breaks it down and shows that nearly 75% of the decline is accounted for by demand reduction primarily due to the economy-wide energy efficiency and conservation measures in the transportation, residential and commercial sectors; the mild winter in the first quarter of 2012 also gave a helping hand."


Jen Miller


Senior Campaign Representative for Energy Efficiency

Sierra Club National Beyond Coal Campaign