>>> "dave o'leary" <dave.oleary@MDSIERRA.ORG> 1/26/2010 10:23 AM >>>
Here is a link to an interview about AEP's pilot CCS facility in West
Virginia.  I pasted in the link to the full interview, along with a few
selected comments from the AEP spokesperson.

David O'Leary
Chapter Conservation Chair
Sierra Club - Maryland Chapter

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Status Report on the Operation of the Largest Operating Coal-Fired
CCS Plant in the U.S.
Published on January 25th, 2010 in Interviews

American Electric Power, one of the largest electric utilities in the
United States, started operating a 20 MW coal-fired Carbon Capture
and Storage (CCS) plant in September 2009.  It is currently the
largest facility of its kind in the United States, and the success or
failure of this operation will likely have a major impact on the
viability of this technology and the future role of coal in the
U.S.'s and the world's low carbon emissions future, as well as impact
the adoption rates of nuclear and renewables.   In this follow-up
interview, Nick Akins, the Executive Vice President of Power
Generation for American Electric Power (AEP), speaks about the status
of the operation and what it means for scale-up timetables and
ultimate price and energy penalties that affect the viability of
coal-fired CCS.

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The 20-megawatt CCS installation at our Mountaineer Plant in New
Haven, W.Va., started capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) Sept. 1, 2009,
and we began injecting CO2 into the geologic formations Oct. 1, 2009.

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we are in the range of the 15 to 30 percent energy penalty that we
were expecting. It is important to realize that this is a process
validation installation, so it is not optimized for efficiency, but
rather for flexibility to adjust process conditions.

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We were extremely pleased to be notified Dec. 4, 2009, that we were
selected to receive $334 million in funding through the Department of
Energy's Clean Coal Power Initiative to scale-up the CCS process at
our Mountaineer Plant. We plan to build the 235-megawatt installation
of the chilled ammonia carbon capture and storage process at
Mountaineer and expect it to be operational in 2015. At this scale,
we will capture and store approximately 1.5 million metric tones of
CO2 annually.

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We anticipate retrofitting up to 75 percent of our existing 25,600
megawatts of coal-fueled generation with CCS technology by 2025 or
2030. The plants we retrofit will be our largest, most efficient
generating units that have already been retrofit to reduce emissions
of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and mercury. The remaining 25
percent of our existing coal-fired generating fleet likely will be

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