I counted no less that 20 exemptions, loopholes, and caveats, including plenty of blanket exemptions for many coal and gas facilities.  And plenty of language to let DEP cover up "Confidential Business Information"  (AKA "Dirty Secrets"). There may be some useful policy approaches in here, but it starts out on bad turf and the legislative findings are all about how important industry is for the economy.  Let's insist that it is DOA.


From: Angie Rosser <arosser@wvrivers.org>
Sent: Monday, January 20, 2014 5:35 PM
To: Angie Rosser; Brent Walls; Cindy Rank; Dianne Bady; Don Garvin; Emily Russell; Evan Hansen; Helen Gibbins; James Kotcon; James Van Gundy; Kathleen Tyner; Margaret Janes
Subject: Gov's bill

Attached FYI


Angie Rosser

Executive Director

West Virginia Rivers Coalition

