fyi, paul

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Date: Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 12:40 AM
Subject: FW: Teleconference - Drilling in an Abandoned Field: Hydrofracking in the Absence of Federal Regulation, Thurs. July 14

FR: David E. Ortman, Seattle, WA
While NG fracking is not exactly coal, members on this listserve or others may be interested in this ABA program on Thursday.  It doesn't specifically say you have to be an attorney or a member of the ABA to listen in.

To: deortman@MSN.COM
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 17:30:00 -0500
Subject: Teleconference - Drilling in an Abandoned Field: Hydrofracking in the Absence of Federal Regulation, Thurs. July 14

Drilling in an Abandoned Field:
Hydrofracking in the Absence of Federal Regulation

This panel will consider the legal landscape and environmental impacts of hydraulic fracturing ("hydrofracking"), the use of horizontal drilling and high-volume fluid injection to free up natural gas found in shale and other deposits. The process makes drilling in places such as the Marcellus shale region feasible but introduces a number of regulatory challenges. For the process to work, millions of gallons of water must be piped or transported to well sites. Similar amounts of wastewater, containing hydrocarbons and proprietary chemicals, must be handled. Much of the wastewater remains below the surface where it can migrate into aquifers. Residents must endure noise, vibrations, lower property values, and air pollution from gas leaks, flaring, and truck exhaust. Hydrofracking is largely exempt from federal environmental laws, leaving the states to fend for themselves. This panel, composed of experts with many years of experience regulating and litigating hydrofracking-related issues, will discuss the New York and Pennsylvania experiences with this form of natural gas extraction. We will draw lessons from their struggles with environmental review, zoning, preemption, enforcement, and other practices. Their experience will be of use to environmental attorneys working in any of a growing number of states that has decided to consider or approve the use of hydrofracking in local communities. Speakers include:

2:00 P.M. Eastern

** To join the 90 minute call please dial 1-877-317-0419 and reference the "Hydraulic Fracturing Call" or "Conference ID 80530313" **

The ABA is not seeking CLE credit for this program, you will not receive CLE credit for listening to this program.

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