These could be some very useful studies, especially for those who need technical data.  Perhaps it could even be useful in CCS rule-making, etc.

>>> Al Sattler <alsattler@IGC.ORG> 6/3/2010 10:43 PM >>>

Can the U.S. phase out coal’s greenhouse gas emissions by 2030?

A new paper by a leading group of scientists, engineers, and architects argues that the U.S. could eliminate CO2 emissions from coal in 20 years.


Options for Near-Term Phaseout of CO2 Emissions from Coal Use in the United States

Pushker A. Kharecha*, Charles F. Kutscher, James E. Hansen and Edward Mazria§


Gigaton Problems Need Gigaton Solutions1

Achieving sustainability requires commanding the whole problem, not just iterative efforts that barely strike a moving target.


Is Carbon Capture and Storage Really Needed?1

If CO2 cannot be stored at profit, perhaps it is best to switch to low-carbon alternative energy post haste.


Why the Debate about Land Use Change Should Not Only Focus on Biofuels1

Extensive change of the landscape for energy production is not limited to farmland alteration.

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