WE did not get this grant, nor did we get the Coal grant (will forward.)  Our grant proposals were good, but our specific needs are not appropriate (does not sit well with me.)   Pat Gallagher  (Sierra Law Program, Director) is interested in helping us here, and I am waiting to hear from him.
I am extremely disappointed in SES.
Otherwise, we still need to do the March fundraising letter. 
Jim,  thanks for getting an update in the Sierran.
Attached are the grants and a thankyou letter to recent donars.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Stephen Crowley <scrow@sover.net>
To: Barbara Fallon <brbr_fallon@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 8, 2008 1:44:08 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: SES request from West Virginia

Barbara, briefly, there was considerable discussion and no resolution about whether powerlines fall within the domain of SES (v. AWL).  Some felt this was a good quandary to overlook and go ahead with funding, others felt otherwise.  There were also questions raised about whether lawsuits were the best use of our limited funds.  There were once again double the requests compared to available funds, so other proposals that had clear and more unanimous support got funded.  Yours was not the only good proposal that did not get funded; almost all were excellent proposals, and only half were funded.


At 09:03 AM 7/8/2008, you wrote:
Steve,  This is disappointing and disheartening news.  Funding from SES-CIC made the difference in our campaign last year.  I am not sure that we can maintain our campaign without SES-CIC funding.  Outside sources of funding for litigation and expert witnesses are very hard, if not impossible, to find.
I know that the grant we submitted was a good one and the work that we are doing is good work.  I had submitted quarterly reports to you in a timely manner last year. 
What can I tell my committee about why we did not get additional funding this year?  I need more to say than we "did not fit in the mix."  SES-CIC helped us get to a crossroads on this campaign and now we have to decide what to do.
Best Regards,

----- Original Message ----
From: Stephen Crowley <scrow@sover.net>
To: jason@wyovoters.org; Barbara Fallon <brbr_fallon@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 3, 2008 6:25:00 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: SES request from West Virginia

Jason and Barbara,  The SES team met in January and determined that this was not in the mix for this year.  My apologies if this word did not get to you right away.  

Steve Crowley

At 03:37 PM 7/3/2008, you wrote:
Hi Steve, I just saw this in my inbox. Not sure what happened here. Anything come to mind that I can tell Barbara?
Best wishes for the holiday weekend.
Jason Marsden

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barbara Fallon <brbr_fallon@yahoo.com >
Date: Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 8:04 AM
Subject: SES request from West Virginia
To: Jason Marsden <jcmarsden@gmail.com>

I hope this note finds you well and with some environmental successes under your belt.
Last year (June) you were very helpful to the WVa. Chapter of the Sierra Club by reviewing our SES-CIC request for funding.  Apparently our request had gotten lost in the shuffle and you unshuffled it.
Well, this seems to have happened again.  I am wondering if you are still on the SES committee and if so, if you could look into the status of our funding request.
I submitted our letter on inquiry on 1/4/08. 
I sent a follow up note on 6/23/08.
I have still not heard any news one way or another.  We are in a position to negotiate with expert witnesses again, and we are reluctant to do so until we know our funding base.
Attached is the letter of inquiry I submitted last January.
Thank you Jason, and best regards,
Barbara Fallon
PS.  Status from last year....I wouldn't say that Allegheny is winning, but they are not loosing either!!!  You know how this goes. 

Jason Marsden
Executive Director
Wyoming Conservation Voters
(307) 265-0870
PO Box 2664
Casper, Wyo. 82602-2664
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