fyi, paul 

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Dow <>
Date: Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 10:15 AM
Subject: Fwd: URGENT: Tell Senators-- Don't cut environmental regulations on coal
To: " Gmail" <>, " Polloni" <>, Paul Wilson <>

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Marice Keever, Friends of the Earth" <>
Date: March 22, 2013 9:50:27 AM EDT Donate to Friend of the Earth

Dear David,

Don't let Big Coal and their allies in Congress eliminate environmental protections on coal exports.

Tell your Senators to vote NO on amendment 184!

Big Coal and its allies are attempting to sneak through a last-minute budget amendment to stop federal agencies from limiting the greenhouse gas emissions of exported coal and other fuels. Right now agencies are legally bound to consider the health and climate impacts of greenhouse gases when reviewing export proposals -- including coal.

But under Senator Barrasso's (R-WY) amendment (#184), agencies would be barred from considering environmental impacts from exporting coal or other fossil fuels.

If this amendment passes there will be nothing to stop Big Coal from sending millions of tons of U.S. coal to be burned in China. And we'll all pay the climate and health consequences.

This amendment will come up for a vote in the next 24 hours. Please act right now -- use the form below tell your Senators to vote NO on Amendment 184!

Here’s more background on the issue:

  • Under the National Environmental Policy Act, an agency that issues a permit for a major project involving the extraction and combustion of fossil fuels has to consider the impacts of burning those fuels on the health and well-being of Americans, regardless of whether those fuels are burned in the U.S. or whether they are exported and burned somewhere else in the world 
  • When it comes to greenhouse gases, the impacts on Americans are exactly the same wherever the fuel is burned, because carbon pollution spreads globally and respects no boundaries. 
  • But under this new amendment the agencies would be forced to ignore the impacts on Americans, just because the fuels were exported. 
  • All this does is protect the profits of the big corporations that export fossil fuels, at the expense of the health and well-being of the American people. 

Please act now and tell your Senators to vote NO.

Thank you for speaking up!

Marcie Keever, and all of us at Friends of the Earth

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"In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" ~ Aristotle