Anybody know anything about this group or this project?

>>> "Peter Maynard" <> 1/8/2010 5:50 PM >>>
Jim, we are a group of environmentally-concerned people who are now undertaking the restoration of the old Harper's Ferry hydroelectric plant, now owned by  Park Service, decommissioned several years ago as, one supposes, not worth the bother. Yet at one time it was a significant source of electric power.
   And no significant damming of the Potomac is required -- which would make this a very "green" project.
    Keepers of the Green have taken the first step toward returning to viability this old plant. We have asked the Park Service for its approval. The next step would be a feasibility study.
    We will need a lot of help to move this project forward. Do you think your Sierra Club people might be interested? Can you give me any suggestions about other people who might be enlisted? -- Peter Maynard