Thanks, Jim.

ALSO important to note (IMHO):

1) ....recently approved Cheat TMDL doesn't refer to any impact on the main river either..... (see my email of Feb 24th... pasted below)

2) Our own reference in the media release to "high levels of arsenic into the Cheat River" [more accurately stated later in the release as into the Cheat River watershed.... ] opened us up to DP criticism focusing specifically on the Cheat itself, not Daugherty Run, nor the risk aspects you mention in your email this morning, Jim....

--- more to keep in mind as/if we respond to the recent DP comments.....


------------ Forwarded message ------------
From: Cindy Rank <>
Date: Feb 24, 2011
Subject: Cheat Watershed improvement plan approved by EPA

Another observation re: Cheat - Albright Power Plant, etc....

This recently approved TMDL for the Cheat may well be brought up in conversation re: the recent filing re Allegheny/Mon Power violations of permit limits for arsenic.

Margaret and Shanda no doubt understand the nuances of TMDLs better than i, but from a fairly quick look through the Cheat document i see no data or really any reference to Daugherty Run subwatershed and little or no indication that downstream sampling has shown any stress from the Daugherty drainage....  Not that it matters as far as specific permit violations are concerned, but i can hear the whine about how that little itty bit of arsenic hasn't shown any negative impact on the Cheat or raised any red flags during sampling for this TMDL, nor has sampling shown any stress from selenium, etc....

If any of you have looked at this TMDL relative to the NOI that was sent last week and have any observations that might be helpful i would appreciate the input.... 

HOWEVER --- i KNOW how busy everybody is, and i'm not asking anyone to do any extra digging unless you think this might be important.



------------ Forwarded message ------------
Date: Feb 22, 2011
Subject: DEP News - Cheat Watershed improvement plan approved by EPA

The following was sent to you because you are a
Member of the DEP News List mailing list.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 @ 9:56 AM

West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection water
quality improvement plans for selected waters in the Cheat
Watershed have been approved by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency.
Section 303(d) of the federal Clean Water Act requires
states to identify waters that are not meeting water
quality standards and develop total maximum daily loads, or
TMDLs, for those waters. A TMDL is a calculation of the
maximum amount of a pollutant that can be deposited into a
waterbody and still allow the waterbody to meet water
quality standards.

The pollutants of concern include total iron, dissolved
aluminum, pH, and fecal coliform bacteria. In addition,
some streams have also been identified as having
impairments to biological integrity. The Department of
Environmental Protection began this TMDL development
project in January 2006.

Approved TMDL documents may be viewed at
CDs for the Cheat Watershed may be requested by e-mail to, or by U.S. mail to West Virginia
DEP, Attn: Steve Young, TMDL, 601 57th Street, S.E.,
Charleston, WV 25304. The CDs include a technical report
and an interactive ArcExplorer Project that are not
available on the website.

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On Mar 14, 2011, James Kotcon <> wrote:

I don't recall who said it but the quote was that one should never
engage in a war of words with an outfit that buys ink by the barrel.

We need to respond to this very carefully, as the DP is probably
correct. The water in the Cheat River would dilute the discharge from
the ash impoundments to the point where the contaminants would be hard
to detect. So we need to state precisely what the concerns are.

Or as another favorite author says, "Nothing is so futile as knowing
the answer to the wrong question." The Clean Water Act makes it clear
that the "Solution to Pollution is NOT Dilution", so testing Cheat River
water after the contaminants have been diluted is inappropriate and does
not meet the legal standards. That is why DEP does not require
monitoring in the Cheat River, they require monitoring at the outfall.
That is where the standard has to be met.

Thus, the DP's sampling procedure addresses the wrong question and
confuses the issue with the wrong measurements. It is fortunate that
Mon Power's technical staff are not so incompetent as to use the
methodology used by the Dominion Post, or they would lose this case in a
slam dunk.

The key issue for the public is that there is no "threshold" for
carcinogens like arsenic. Even undetectable amounts will increase the
health risk. That is why taking the measurements at the outfall, not in
the Cheat River, is essential to answering the right questions.

The DP used this same approach a couple years ago when a local resident
claimed that MUB was polluting the stream in a local City Park with E.
coli. The DP collected water samples and sold a lot of papers with
these front page stories, even though no technical expert claimed that
these were valid samples.

But as they say in Hollywood "There is no such thing as bad publicity".
We should look at this as an opportunity to put together a response to
better inform the public about the real risks from Albright. If we had
thought there was a imminent danger of adverse health impacts from
Albright, we would not have issued a 60-day notice, we would have
petitioned for an immediate injunction. The issue is not the imminent
health risk, but the long-term pollution from incremental amounts of


>>> Jim Sconyers <> 3/14/2011 9:53 AM >>>
I hadn't seen it - thanks Cindy.

Frankly I find this shocking - that a right-wing newspaper would set
itself up
to refute - in their view at least - the science behind the charges.
And it's
bizarre that they want to dispute the company's own reported

All the more reason to be glad this is moving ahead to litigation.

Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

From: Cindy Rank <>
Sent: Mon, March 14, 2011 9:24:11 AM
Subject: DP article re: Albright

In case you haven't seen this article:

Local page 9-A DOMINION POST Monday 14 March 2011:

Test: Water meets standards

Groups say Mon Power is polluting

The Dominion Post

KINGWOOD — Three environmental groups have threatened to file suit
Mon Power over arsenic levels from coal ash dumps near the Albright
Power Plant,
which the company owns.

The groups — West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, W.Va. Rivers
Coalition and
Sierra Club of West Virginia — claimed in a letter sent to the
company in
February that those levels are “unlawfully high” in the Cheat

The groups also claim the company is not reporting selenium
discharge with
enough accuracy to determine if it violates its DEP permit.

On Feb. 22, The Dominion Post collected water samples from the Cheat
one mile upstream from the Albright Power Plant, and a quarter of a
downstream from the plant. The samples were tested for arsenic and
selenium by
Reliance Laboratories Inc. of Bridgeport. Results received this week
show that
the water in the Cheat River meets Water Quality Standards.

Neither sample revealed either mineral at a level above the permit

The samples were not obtained on Mon Power property nor at the same
where the company checked its discharge. But they were collected before
from the coal ash dumps enters the river and after.

Numbers provided by the groups, which the state DEP has confirmed
are Mon
Power’s (then known as Allegheny Power) readings at the Albright
plant, indicate
the company did exceed its discharge limit for arsenic from July to
December of

“Each discharge amount that exceeds permit limits is an unlawful
unpermitted discharge, and therefore, is not shielded from liability”
under the
Clean Water Act, the groups told the company in a letter, which
threatens a
lawsuit seeking civil penalties and “for an injunction compelling it
to come
into compliance with the Act and its permit requirements if no
remediation steps
are outlined.”

According to Kathy Cosco, a spokeswoman for the West Virginia DEP,
permit limits “does not always trigger notices of violation or

If the DEP notices a pattern of “exceedences,” she said, “the
DEP will work
with the company to determine what the problem is. If the company
can’t get them
in line, or if they fail to take steps necessary to rectify the
situation, then
the agency will start down the path of assessing penalties.

“There are instances where the nature or severity of a single
violation may
result in the assessment of a penalty,” Cosco said. “Generally
however, an individual exceedance reported on a Discharge Monitoring
would not trigger an enforcement action. The company is expected to
necessary measures to achieve compliance with the permit.”

The environmental groups also claim Allegheny Power isn’t
reporting selenium discharges into the Cheat River.

“From March 2010 through October 2010, Allegheny Energy reported
concentration of selenium in its effluent with only three significant
digits —
too few for the undersigned, the DEP, or the public to determine
whether a
violation had occurred.”

According to Cosco, “the company has what is a called a variance:
A condition
that allows the facility a threeyear period during which it may exceed
selenium limits three times before a violation is triggered.” In
other words, if
the company exceeds the 0.005 mg/l (milligrams per liter) four times in
36-month period then the exceedence is considered a violation. When the

legislature passed this variance, it applied to monitoring that began
Jan. 25,
2010, so the permit just completed the first year of the threeyear

In the letter to Allegheny Energy, the three groups claim Allegheny
“has met and possibly exceeded its limit of 0.005 mg/L on at least
five separate
occasions. ... Because Allegheny Energy is apparently rounding to the
part per billion (equivalent to a thousandth of a mg/L), a reported
0.005 mg/L
could reflect a discharge with a selenium concentration from 4.51 parts
billion to 5.49 parts per billion.”

Testing done on behalf of The Dominion Post showed the selenium
level at less
than 0.004 mg/L upstreamm and downstream from the plant, which is in
with its permit limit.

The letter asserts that by rounding off the numbers, the company
“has the
potential to hide violations of its permits, and is therefore not in
with the monitoring and reporting requirements of the Clean Water

“Our concern is that the standards set by DEP to protect human
health and the
environment are not being met,” said Mike Becher of the Appalachian
Center for
the Economy and the Environment, who represents three nonprofits. “An
consideration is that just downstream of this discharge is a trout
stream —-
Daugherty Run,” he said.

Becher said the technology exists to treat pollutants, such as
“The best result from our perspective is to achieve compliance
with the legal
limits in the permit.”

David Neurohr, an Allegheny Energy spokesman, said the company had
no comment
“until we can see something a little more definite.” He said he had
not seen the
letter sent to Daniel C. McIntire, Allegheny’s vice president of