Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

--- On Sat, 3/14/09, Jim Stewart <Jim@EARTHDAYLA.ORG> wrote:
From: Jim Stewart <Jim@EARTHDAYLA.ORG>
Subject: Summary of the latest science on the climate catastrophe
Date: Saturday, March 14, 2009, 3:48 PM

Summary of the latest science on the climate catastrophe
Dear Team,
Attached are important articles (plus a link at bottom of this email to a 3-minute audio tape) summarizing the results of the emergency gathering of 2500 climate scientists from around the world March 10-12, 2009, in Copenhagen.  Key points and links are provided below.

Carbon Output Must Near Zero To Avert Danger, New Studies Say
By Juliet Eilperin, Washington Post Staff Writer, Monday, March 10, 2008; A01

Key Messages from the Climate Congress
12 March 2009 http://climatecongress.ku.dk/newsroom/congress_key_messages/
- As a result of the acceleration of outlet glaciers over large regions, the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica are already contributing more and faster to sea level rise than anticipated. 
- Recent observations confirm that, given high rates of observed emissions, the worst-case IPCC scenario trajectories (or even worse) are being realised.
- Rapid, sustained, and effective mitigation based on coordinated global and regional action is required to avoid "dangerous climate change" regardless of how it is defined. Weaker targets for 2020 increase the risk of crossing tipping points and make the task of meeting 2050 targets more difficult. Delay in initiating effective mitigation actions increases significantly the long-term social and economic costs of both adaptation and mitigation.
- A common but differentiated mitigation strategy is needed to protect the poor and most vulnerable.
- There is no excuse for inaction.

Fighting global warming offers growth and development opportunities
-Leading economist proposes "Climate Marshall Plan"
12 March 2009.
"There is some evidence that harder greenhouse gas targets and regulation may actually increase benefits through improved innovation and distribution of low carbon technologies, and increased revenues from taxes or permits. These revenues can be spent to further support new technology and to lower other indirect taxes, ensuring the fiscal neutrality of these measures", says Terry Barker, Director of Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research.

Stern attacks politicians over climate 'devastation'
* David Adam in Copenhagen, The Guardian, Friday 13 March 2009

Politicians have failed to take on board the severe consequences of failing to cut world carbon emissions, according to Nicholas Stern, the economist commissioned by Gordon Brown to analyse the impact of climate change.

His stark warning about the potentially "devastating" consequences of global warming came as scientists issued a desperate plea last night for world leaders to curb greenhouse gas emissions or face an ecological and social disaster.

Time to call it "Climate Breakdown"
What's clear from Copenhagen is that policymakers have fallen behind the scientists: global warming is already catastrophic
by George Monbiot, Thursday 12 March 2009
The more we know, the grimmer it gets.

Amazon could shrink by 85% due to climate change, scientists say
- Scientists say 4C rise would kill 85% of the Amazon rainforest.
- Even modest temperature rise would see 20-40% loss within 100 years.
* David Adam in Copenhagen, Wednesday 11 March 2009 14.34 GMT

Severe global warming will render half of world's inhabited areas unlivable, expert warns
Parts of China, India and the eastern US could all become too warm (and humid) in summer for people to lose heat by sweating, expert warns.
* David Adam in Copenhagen, Thursday 12 March 2009
Climate change warning: 'We're sick of having our messages lost in political noise'
David Adam reports scientists' exasperation at the climate change conference, Audio (2min 45sec), 13 Mar 2009.
More articles at: http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/copenhagen

Jim Stewart, PhD, Co-chair
Sierra Club California Climate-Energy Committee
213-487-9340  Fax: 310-362-8400  Cell: 213-820-4345
1216 S. Westlake Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90006-4118
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