Attached is a copy of the editorial calling for careful review and more competition of First Energy's proposed transfer of the Pleasants power plant to Mon Power and Potomac Edison.  

When even a very conservative paper such as the ET starts questioning this deal, we need to seize the opportunity.

I also attach our fact sheet on this issue.  

This would be a great opportunity to contact the editor of your local paper and ask them to consider running something like this.  We need to generate more media coverage of the issue, and highlight the risks of investing in yet another coal-fired power plant.

Is that something you would consider doing?

Alternatively, we could draft an op/ed to submit.  I would be happy to circulate a first draft if you would be willing to co-sign.

Let me know if this is something you would like to do, or if you have any other ideas we can use.

Jim Kotcon

304-293-8822 (office)

304-594-3322 (home)