Fyi, Paul

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From: Verena Owen <verena_owen@PRODIGY.NET>
Sender: "Announcements from the National Coal Campaign team." <COAL-CAMPAIGN-ALERTS@LISTS.SIERRACLUB.ORG>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 20:58:23 -0700
ReplyTo: Verena Owen <verena_owen@PRODIGY.NET>
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: small grant application now available

Below please find the new application form for the Beyond Coal Campaign's small grant program. There is money still available.

Verena Owen


Small grant money is available at two levels: up to $5000 and up to $10,000 to Sierra Club entities: chapters, groups or ad hoc teams, to work on Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign priorities:


1. Stop construction of new coal-fired power plants (incl. coal-to-liquid and coal-to-gas)


2. Replace 500 existing coal-fired power plants with clean energy no later than 2030


3. Keep the massive US coal reserves underground and out of world markets



Preference will be given to creative projects that cover a geographical or content area where the Beyond Coal Campaign has not put enough resources yet.  We are looking especially for ideas that enable Club activists to work on the Club-wide strategies:


1.   Confront the dominance of coal and oil on the American economy, politics, and our environment.

2.   Cultivate an activist base that is capable and willing both to take action at the Sierra Club’s        behest and also to self-organize within their networks.

     3.  Build powerful alliances with those communities that have a vested interest in the success of a            clean energy economy, including clean-tech businesses and entrepreneurs, people of color groups,          organized labor and low-income organizations.



Reimbursement will be directly to Chapters; reimbursable items are limited to C3 and non-staff time expenses. There is no deadline for applying. All projects must have prior Chapter approval.


Please fill out the below application and send to



WHO: is applying: name of entity; names, email, phone number of team member(s)

WHAT : do you want to do: Briefly first describe the problem and what you want to see happen and then share your project idea. Show how the project can help achieve your outcome.

HOW : How will your project further the goals of the Beyond Coal Campaign?  How will you use some the Club strategies outlined above?

WHEN : Please give a start date, important milestones, and an end date.

HOW MUCH:  What is your budget and what will the money be spent on?   Does your budget cover the entire project or please list who will cosponsoring it. You will be required to use a budget template. If you apply for the second level of funding, up to $10,000, you will also be required to develop an MOU and a work plan.


REPORT: A written, video and/or oral report or reports will be required. Please identify the responsible person. Name, email, telephone.

ALL materials produced (fact sheets, post cards, t-shirts, etc) for a project MUST HAVE  C3 approval from Sierra Club compliance prior to distribution. Please identify the person responsible: Name, email, telephone

Note that HELP is available for the asking, contact Judy Hofrichter . Once an application is accepted as complete, a decision takes 2-4 weeks.


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