Drunken nonsense update: Arrest in Kayford incident

by Ken Ward Jr.

Remember the drunks who showed up and disrupted the July 4 celebration at mountaintop removal activist Larry Gibson’s place up at Kayford Mountain?

Well, State Police have apparently made an arrest in the incident, according to this story in the Beckley Register-Herald:

Adam Pauley, 24, of Daniels, was charged with disorderly conduct, public intoxication and assault (verbal), Lt. S.F. Van Meter said. Sgt. M.A. Smith of the Whitesville detachment arrested Pauley Thursday, and Pauley was released on a $1,000 personal recognizance bond.

The charges against Pauley stem from an alleged July 4 incident, Van Meter said. On that day, Larry Gibson was hosting a party at his Kayford Mountain home in Raleigh County’s Coal River area. The people attending were anti-mountaintop removal activists. Pauley showed up at the party uninvited and reportedly caused a disturbance.

Thanks to a Coal Tattoo reader who pointed this story out to me … and if you don’t recall, here’s the video of what happened (careful — the language is pretty bad).

1 comment

1 Nanette { 09.18.09 at 11:03 am }

Thank you, thank you, thank you Ken!!! We have gotten so much heat over this by coal people who said that this was all made up! Somtimes the wheels of justice turns slowly, but finally an arrest has been made!!!



The Register-Herald -- Fri - Sept 18, 2009

A Raleigh County man was arrested Thursday after State Police say he crashed a July 4 party while intoxicated and caused a disturbance.

Adam Pauley, 24, of Daniels, was charged with disorderly conduct, public intoxication and assault (verbal), Lt. S.F. Van Meter said. Sgt. M.A. Smith of the Whitesville detachment arrested Pauley Thursday, and Pauley was released on a $1,000 personal recognizance bond.

The charges against Pauley stem from an alleged July 4 incident, Van Meter said. On that day, Larry Gibson was hosting a party at his Kayford Mountain home in Raleigh County’s Coal River area. The people attending were anti-mountaintop removal activists. Pauley showed up at the party uninvited and reportedly caused a disturbance.

No further information was available on the incident.

— Amelia A. Pridemore


William V. DePaulo, Esq.
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