Prerty good discussion of "national" "smart" grid issues.
Jim Sconyers
Remember: Mother Nature bats last.
--- On Tue, 2/10/09, AlterNet Environment <> wrote:
From: AlterNet Environment <> Subject: National Smart Grid Problems | Getting Recovery Right | "Clean Coal" Ads Illegal? To: Date: Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 4:47 PM
AlterNet Newsletter

We've got a lot of great content this week, including info on the stimulus winding its way through Congress and a super piece from Gwen Schantz about the crazy techno schemes that have been proposed to save us from climate change. But I'd like to take a couple moments to point you toward the piece by David Morris. There is a lot of debate right now about expanding the national grid. The rhetoric around it usually mentions that it will help renewable energy become more viable. But Morris points out some big differences between "smart grid" technology and an expanded national grid, which would actually aid big industry, like coal and not renewables.
The devil is in the details as they say, and in this case, we'd better start paying attention to these difference quickly.
Thanks for reading,
Tara Lohan, Senior Editor
