Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

--- On Tue, 8/4/09, Jennifer.Pecota@sierraclub.org <Jennifer.Pecota@sierraclub.org> wrote:

From: Jennifer.Pecota@sierraclub.org <Jennifer.Pecota@sierraclub.org>
Subject: Club-wide teleconference - Tuesday, August 4th
To: rickestes_92595@yahoo.com, karen@karenmerriam.com, jscorbett@mindspring.com, jheising@usd.edu, kjohnflaherty@yahoo.com, katibug1959@aol.com, davidhornbecklaw@msn.com, wyh@xmission.com, puffin@mbay.net, ddickson@burlingtontelecom.net, fewmit@comcast.net, jimdougherty@aol.com, jim_scon@yahoo.com, marthamdelrio@yahoo.com
Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2009, 5:42 PM

As we work to create a clean energy economy and solve our climate crisis we face incredible opposition from groups funded by Big Oil and Coal.   You are invited to join a Club-wide teleconference “Call to Action on Global Warming and Energy” to hear how you can help create the groundswell of support needed to move these priorities forward this year.  
When: Tuesday, August 4 th at 8:30pm Eastern
Number: 866.501.6174 code: 223 9223
Draft Agenda:
    - Welcome and Context
    - International and Federal Legislative Action
    - Administrative Action: Big Picture Campaign
    - Questions and Answers

Hope you can make it!