Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Denise Binion <dbinion@gmail.com>
To: WVFirstCongressionalOFA <WVFirstCongressionalOFA@groups.barackobama.com>
Sent: Tue, February 1, 2011 9:53:03 AM
Subject: [WVFirstCongressionalOFA] Fwd: HB2025 Energy Efficiency

>From our friend Mike Harman.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mike Harman <mph1946@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 9:42 AM
Subject: Fwd: HB2025 Energy Efficiency

Dear friends,

Now is the time to take action in support of HB 2025, the Energy Efficiency bill introduced in the House of Delegates and referred to the Government Organization Committee. Sponsors are Mike Manypenny and Barbara Fleischauer.

This bill establishes specific energy savings targets to be met by utilities over the next 15 years, with incentives as well as penalties, and an option for large industrial customers to achieve comparable savings under their own plans (a "self-direct" provision).

Attached is everything you need to help get started.
 Feel free to spread the word by sharing this email!

The attached "Fact Sheet" describes HB2025 and how it will help. Be sure your legislator gets a copy of it, along with a request to support the bill. 
The "Talking Points" is an outline of points for advocates to use in conversation with legislators. On the reverse is a roster of the Gov Org committee. We did not include email addresses in the roster, but you can easily obtain them by going to http://www.legis.state.wv.us/

The Government Organization Committee must take up the bill and vote to send it out to the floor for a vote. This is our top concern for now. We need for at least half the members to support the bill.

If you have a representative on this committee, it is urgent that you connect with them ASAP. Note that home telephone numbers are included for most members. We have found that calls to their homes on the weekend are usually more productive than trying to reach them at the Capitol. Keep in mind that legislators are paid for 60 consecutive days! Most will welcome hearing from concerned citizens. Democracy only works when we all participate.

Try to get specific feedback from your representative!
Ask if they will support this bill. Will they vote to report it out?
If not, then what specifically are their concerns? What information do they need about the bill?

We need to have your feedback from your contacts. Please send any feedback, questions or concerns to John Christensen, WV Environmental Council, at 410-499-4873, email jbc329@earthlink.net.

Many thanks to John for his help at the Capitol, and to Cathy Kunkel who has written our materials.

Mike Harman

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