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From: david sconyers <dsconyers@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 11:02 AM
Subject: Toward A Green Future
To: DV <donnaventriss@yahoo.com>, Jim <jimscon@gmail.com>, Armygrunt69@aol.com, barneyusmc6669@hotmail.com, bromley <bromhood@gmail.com>, brownk@southflorida.edu, steve burke <oldindianrider@aol.com>, Brent Davis <marine6@roadrunner.com>, days@americanfast.com, jerry dejonge <dejongej@southflorida.edu>, dennisinor@aol.com, Fpwingfield@aol.com, FUSMCRVN@verizon.net, GeneMarine@aol.com, Frank Gill <frgill@sbcglobal.net>, Frank and Jody Gill <frankgill@comcast.net>, clay gooch <clay_gooch@hotmail.com>, guentherd1@aol.com, Mark <MSconyers@olc152.com>, mcleodm@southflorida.edu, sandy/joe molineaux <sjmolino823@cox.net>, richard morey <moreyr@southflorida.edu>, lou piantadosi <LouPiant@aol.com>, pwingfld@comcast.net, ray.morris@comcast.net, Jim Sconyers <jim_scon@yahoo.com>, sgt_major@earthlink.net, ToMaui21@comcast.net, Jan Harrod <jsharrod@cox.net>, Jennifer Lawton <jennifer.lawton@gmail.com>, Mike <msconyers@sbcglobal.net>, Sarah <srstolfa@gmail.com>, Jeff Sconyers <jeff.sconyers@seattlechildrens.org>, Curtis Ventriss <clventriss@msn.com>, RA Ventriss <rventriss@aol.com>, Lisa Ventriss <lisa@vtroundtable.org>, Beverly Ventriss <bventris@pacbell.net>

Or maybe too much time on his hands?? You decide.


"If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed." (Albert Einstein)

"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country" (Kurt Vonnegut)

"What better way for a ruling class to claim and hold power than to pose as the defenders of the nation." (Christopher Hitchens)