Holy shit! What a colossally bad idea!!

On Oct 28, 2012 11:11 AM, "James Kotcon" <jkotcon@wvu.edu> wrote:

>>> "James Kotcon" <jkotcon@wvu.edu> 10/28/2012 11:03 AM >>>
Maloney seems to be taking his cues from the Republican Governor in PA, who is also promoting leasing in state parks and forests.  Watch out public lands!

>>> <dsgjr@aol.com> 10/28/2012 8:07 AM >>>

This article by AP reporter Larry Messina, contains just one paragraph referring to any environmental issues:
"Maloney echoed budget-paring steps frequently cited by candidates: running the state like a business, for instance, and targeting waste and abuse. His more specific ideas include increased drilling for natural gas and other natural resources beneath state parks and other public lands."
don garvin

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