2008 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard

West Virginia tied for 43rd.

Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

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From: Sierra Club <global.warming@sierraclub.org>
To: jim_scon@yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 1:39:50 PM
Subject: Plugged In: The Most Energy Efficient States Revealed

Sierra Club

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Plugged In: Sierra Club's Smart Energy Solutions Update

In this Edition
Federal:State Energy Efficiency Ranked, Higher Heating Costs Expected
International: China Drops Liquid Coal
In the States: UT Coal Plant Back on the Ballot, NM Promotes Clean Energy
News and Resources:Green Job Markets, Coal River Mountain, and Ike˘s Environmental Toll


State Energy Efficiency Rankings Released
Vote for clean energyEarlier this month the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) revealed its state rankings on energy efficiency. The 2008 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard rates and ranks state-level action on model energy efficiency policies, programs, and practices.

Here are the top ten U.S. states "employing energy efficiency to grow their economies while meeting electricity demand, combating global warming, and contributing to U.S. energy security:"

  1. California
  2. Oregon
  3. Connecticut
  4. Vermont
  5. New York
  6. Washington
  7. Massachusetts
  8. Minnesota
  9. Wisconsin
  10. New Jersey

Download the report and executive summary on the ACEEE website.



China Drops Coal-to-Liquids
Last week, China's National Development and Reform Commission announced that, besides two projects, it is effectively halting all coal-to-liquids projects "due to environmental and economic concerns."

The agency calls the technology risky both financially and environmentally. This is a major decision and China is making a tremendous statement -- the same one we've been making about the 10 proposed coal-to-liquid plants in the U.S: Liquid coal is not a viable option for our energy needs.

Learn more about liquid coal on the coal campaign website.


In the States

Utah Coal Plant Back on the Ballot
Our state activists are thrilled with last week˘s Utah Supreme Court decision to allow a coal-fired power plant issue back on the ballot in Sevier County.

A coalition of clean energy groups including our state chapter had fought for a referendum allowing the county˘s citizens to vote on permits for new coal-fired power plants in the county. The move was in response to a planned 240-megawatt coal-fired power plant.

"A 6th District judge last month halted (the) citizen referendum, saying the initiative intended for the Nov. 4 ballot didn't comply with a new law prohibiting initiatives on changes to land-use ordinances."

The Utah Supreme Court disagreed, and said the referendum must go back on the ballot. Now county residents get to vote down this latest coal plant.

Congrats, Utah!

New Mexico Promotes Clean Energy
The Sierra Club is a proud supporter of Dooda Desert Rock (DDR), a Navajo grassroots organization dedicated to stopping the proposed Desert Rock coal-fired power plant in New Mexico.

From Oct. 3-5, the Sierra Club helped DDR at the local Shiprock Fair both staffing a booth, helping with a parade, and supporting a music festival. Andy Bessler of the Sierra Club's Tribal Partnerships Program said the time at the booth also garnered them many more signatures on a petition opposing the Desert Rock plant.

The parade float featured a wind turbine and many clean energy supporters from three states who are working with DDR.

"There was a huge crowd," said Bessler. "I would estimate the crowd along the two-mile parade route packed shoulder-to-shoulder for the full two-mile route at 60,000. DDR hosted a 3-day music festival at the fair as well and educated thousands of local residents about the dangers of building another coal plant in the four-corners region."


News and Resources

 -- America˘s Hottest Green Job Markets (Forbes)

-- The Battle Over Coal River (CNN)

-- Hurricane Ike Environmental Toll Apparent (AP)

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