Is this the same as HB 4403? Did it ever get brought up in
the House Judiciary?
From: Tina Rappaport
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 1:54 PM
Subject: Re: UPDATE: SB 614 out of Committee but gutted of land owner
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 11:10 AM, Haverty Family <> wrote:
Bill's latest blog post below sums up
where we are with SB 614 and now we know where Kessler stands. It isn't with
us! Here is his email again if you want to let him know one more voter will not
forget this.
And most of all spread the word to your friends and neighbors, because this guy
has his eyes on a bigger office.
On Monday, March 1, Senator Jeff Kessler,
chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, put SB614 on the Committee’s
agenda for a vote. The bill was passed out of the committee on voice vote
and went on to its first reading on the floor of the Senate.
But wait.
This is not the SB614 that was introduced in
the Senate by Senators Unger and Snyder. Senator Kessler, after private
discussions with power company lobbyists, used his prerogative as chairman of
the Judiciary Committee to offer a committee substitute to SB614 that completely
eliminated the most important feature of SB614. Sen. Kessler did
not ask for any debate about his changes and rammed the bill through the
Committee in a matter of minutes.
Sen. Kessler’s substitute bill removed
the requirement that land owners along the proposed power line route be
notified by certified mail. Apparently, Sen. Kessler bought the power
company claims that individual notice was “too burdensome” for
Allegheny Energy, which regularly pays its CEO enough bonuses to make him the
eighth highest paid CEO in the US.
I personally told Sen. Kessler last week that
the power companies knew who all the land owners already in the PATH case,
because as soon as the WV PSC shut the door on new intervenors on July 15,
2009, AEP/Allegheny started contacting land owners about survey
agreements. I also told Sen. Kessler that Allegheny Energy already is
required to provide personal notice to land owners in power line cases in PA and
East Virginia. In fact, Allegheny had to notify all land owners along the
PATH line in East Virginia when they filed the PATH case there.
Senator Kessler did the dirty work, but he
wasn’t working for West Virginia property owners. He was working
for the out of state energy conglomerates who could care less about our state
or our homes.
If the bill passes out of the Senate, there is
still lots of time to fix SB614 in the House. As Yogi Berra said,
“It ain’t over till it’s over.”