Rockefeller is beyond disgusting. He is apparently a person devoid of conscience and moral responsibility. He shills for Big Coal like nobody else..what a coal wh**e (rhymes with destitute...).

Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

--- On Thu, 2/4/10, James Kotcon <> wrote:

From: James Kotcon <>
Subject: [EC] Good news from the SEC; Usable graph on energy taxes, not good on nuclear
Date: Thursday, February 4, 2010, 8:34 AM

Two recent news items worth paying attention to.
1)  The Securities and Exchange Commission voted on Jan. 27 to require all publicly traded companies to project and disclose to stockholders their vulnerabilities to climate risks.  (Wonder what Massey Energy's report will say?  Will they tell their stockholders the truth, or regurgitate the Blankenship bloviations?)

2)  The Obama Administration's proposed budget would close tax loopholes for fossil fuel companies estimated at $36 Billion.  Rep. Shelly Capito is crying about how awful it is, and Jay Rockefeller thinks this is "not the year to do it".  This article has a good graphic representation of tax subsidies for various energy resources.


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