From Bill Howley, winner of WVEC Grassroots activist.

From: Tina Rappaport []
Sent: Sat 2/27/2010 10:25 AM
Subject: March 11 in Clarksburg - PATH opponents should make a showing!

Hi all,

If you haven't seen Bill's blog today, I've included it below. Many folks know that the blackouts in their area were due to neglected powerlines and fallen trees, not grid overload. This is a good opportunity to say it publicly!! Please forward to all you can! Let's take 'em by storm!! hahaha
My best,
Tina Rappaport

Bill Howley's excellent blog

WV PSC Public Hearing on WV Power Blackout Coming Up On March 11

The WV Public Service Commission will be holding a public hearing on the December 2009 blackout that struck southern and central West Virginia.  The PSC is in the middle of studying the causes of the blackout.

The hearing will be held on Thursday, March 11 at 6:00 p.m. at he Harrison County Recreation Complex/4-H Center located on 23 Recreation Drive in Clarksburg.

If you have been involved in the fight against PATH, you should try to attend this hearing.  The PSC has heard a lot from AEP/Allegheny about how PATH might improve “grid reliability” somewhere on the east coast sometime in the future.  Meanwhile, in the here and now in West Virginia, AEP’s and Allegheny’s distribution system has collapsed from neglect.

We need to show up at this hearing to remind the PSC what Allegheny CEO Evanson, the eighth highest paid CEO in the US, said last month:

And we’ll be vigilant in our efforts to control costs and spending. Our plan is to keep [inaudible] O&M [Operations & Maintenance] flat marking the fifth consecutive year of no increase in costs, an accomplishment I think few can match.

One thing is for certain – during those same five years, Mr. Evanson’s outrageous salary and bonuses continued to rise, even if Allegheny’s spending on its local power lines did not.

The WV PSC needs to stand up for West Virginia’s electricity users, not consumers in other states — and we need to show up on March 11 and let them know it.

See you there.  Bring your neighbors.

The fact that you may be an intervenor in the PATH case does not prevent you from testifying at this PSC hearing.  This is an entirely different case, so all PATH intervenors will be able to speak to the PSC.

(Here is a link to a map to the Rec Center)