Thanks for finding this.  I did not read it all, but it looks like the previous majority owners are transferring majority ownership to the new four majority owners.  It is not clear if the old owners retain anything, as the "less than 40 %" owners retain less than 10 % each, so are unidentified.

Page 23 of the agreement (page 55 of the pdf) indicates that all current board members and officers terms shall expire, and the new directors and officers "will be disclosed in the Plan Supplement or prior to the Confirmation Hearing...".  So we do not know who they will be, or if there is any relationship between the old owners and officers, and the new owners and officers.

Has a lawyer for ASF looked over this plan to assure that ASF's rights and funding remain secure?

Jim Kotcon

On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 9:09 AM William DePaulo <> wrote: