"We've gotten our state in the best shape we've ever had in the history of our state," Manchin told Gazette editors Wednesday.

Meanwhile, Mountain Party candidate Jesse Johnson said the state has lost direction and failed to fulfill its social contract with the people.

"I'm concerned about the direction which our state and our nation has taken," said Johnson, an actor/director who was also the small party's gubernatorial candidate in 2004. "Business as usual is very dangerous."

He said state government needs to be accountable.

"We're not seeing the kind of leadership we significantly need," he said.

Manchin stressed new coal technologies, including a planned $800 million coal-to-liquids facility in the Northern Panhandle, as an important step toward energy independence.

Johnson dismissed the project as an expensive "experiment" and chastised Manchin for approving up to $200 million in tax credits for the project.

"Why would we continue investments in areas that are not popular with the people, that are not conducive with fighting global warming, and will continue to bury our headwaters?" Johnson asked.

"Johnson said he believes West Virginia can be a key energy state, but said the focus should be on developing the "tremendous potential" for wind, solar and other alternative energy sources."