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From: "Julia Reitan" <julia.reitan@sierraclub.org>
Date: Jun 24, 2013 4:07 PM
Subject: CONFERENCE CALL TUES (Jun 25): Obama Climate Plan and the Sierra Club
To: <CCL-CHAPTER-CHAIRS@lists.sierraclub.org>

TO: Chapter Staff and Volunteer Leaders
FR: Office of Chapter Support: Julia Reitan, Gwyn Jones, Greg Casini

Please join the call if you can!

Obama Climate Plan and the Sierra Club

Please join us at 9pm EST, 6pm PST Tuesday evening for a call with Michael Brune to report on the President's Climate Change Plan announcement and the Club's response. Mary Anne Hitt, Beyond Coal Campaign Director, will also discuss details of the anticipated announcement on power plant standards. There will be Q&A with Michael Brune and Mary Anne Hitt for questions submitted in advance or during the call via email. If you have specific questions please email them to michael.bosse@sierraclub.org ahead of or during the call. Please share this invitation with other members and supporters of the Sierra Club.

Tuesday 9pm EST, 6pm PST



Julia Reitan
Director, Office of Chapter Support
Sierra Club
85 Second St, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA  94105
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