As promised, I am pursuing funds to support our legal fees and expert witnesses re: PSC  intervention.  Jim Kotcon and others have been working to find expert witnesses.  Both processes are slow going.  I have found some money and Jim has found a potential witness.  The fee this expert witness has proposed was an eye opener for me.  He is talking about $20 - $30,000!!! And along with this he is not sure he can be prepared by October, which is when we might need to have our case ready (although it might be Nov or Dec.)  
Regardless, time is getting close and it always takes lots of time to get lots of money.  I need someone (s) to step forward who is involved with neighborhood groups along the proposed power line who can serve as the Sierra energy liaison.  I need this person to represent our interests to the other groups and I need this person to report back to the committee.  The over-riding effort at this time is to find "like-minded" groups with whom we can share our expert witness expenses.   
I know several of you are involved with various groups that are strategizing for intervention.  Who among us can bring these groups and our monies together?

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