Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Tina Rappaport <tinazipp@gmail.com>
Sent: Mon, February 7, 2011 4:26:53 PM
Subject: Fwd: A PATH/ FERC Comments offer - to save a stamp and some time

Dear PATH opposers,

If you haven't been following Ali Haverty and Keryn Newman's challenge to PATH's accounting procedures, see the link below, as it makes great reading and your help to support this challenge is needed.

FERC (Federal Energy Regulation Commission) has received Ali & Keryn's formal complaint and we have until noon Feb. 10 to submit our support for FERC to look into the charges raised.

Please read Ali's email below and follow her instructions. 
Please also follow all the PATH news on 
Bill Howley's blog:  http://calhounpowerline.com/
and Keryn Newman's blog:  http://www.stoppathwv.com/

If you have any questions, please direct them to Ali at almahaverty@gmail.com
Thanks for your "energy"!

My best always,
Tina Rappaport


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alison Haverty <almahaverty@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 9:46 PM
Subject: A PATH/ FERC Comments offer - to save a stamp and some time

Hello again,

There have been many people who have already taken the time to send in their comments to FERC about the PATH Challenge. 

Keryn and I thank every one of you! 

Just yesterday I found out I could file other folks' comments electronically, saving a long trip to the post office. So for those of you who would still like to speak your mind regarding the millions of dollars PATH has collected from us rate payers to fund their advertising and astroturf campaigns, but have not put their comments in the mail yet here is the offer:

Email me your comments making sure to use the FERC address, docket nos, title used in the attached "comment template". Comments need to be as a "word doc" or a "PDF". The way you can sign your doc is - for example

/S/ Alison Haverty
Alison Haverty

This will make scanning unnecessary also.

One other quick step that you need to take for me to eFile your comments is - you have to eRegister your email address w/FERC. It takes a minute just go to this link! 

That's it - easy as pie, especially with this beautiful weather we have been having! And we might still yet get some one's attention over there at FERC!!

DEADLINE for me to receive your comments is before noon on Thurs. FEB.10th

Please do forward this offer to anyone it might help!

Thank you all,