End Mountaintop Removal - Week in Washington (WIW)

This is an exciting opportunity to join with hundreds of folks like you who want to end mountaintop removal. Lobby Congresspersons and Senators, share with other WIW participants, and more. Stay for the optional Day of Action!

Registration officially opens tomorrow, March 1 for The Alliance for Appalachia’s 2012 End Mountaintop Removal Week in Washington, happening June 2-6. To register early, click here.

If you are seeking a scholarship, the deadline is Friday, April 6. Full and partial scholarships are available on a needs-basis.  If you do not need funding support, the deadline is Sunday, April 15.

If you can’t come but want to help, donate here to support the 6th Annual End Mountaintop Removal Week in Washington or to sponsor an attendee scholarship.

Last year's Week in Washington was a tremendous success. More than 150 people from over 20 states came to Washington, holding over 200 meetings with Congressional offices, the EPA and the Obama administration.

This year, participants will not only meet with their Congresspeople and agency officials, but also stand up and take action to stop mountaintop removal coal mining. Yes, this year we will have a Day of Action to End Mountaintop Removal!

The 2012 elections mark a critical moment to make the issue of mountaintop removal coal mining a top priority issue in Washington. At Week in Washington, we’ll not only focus on how to work to end mountaintop removal in D.C., but how to fight this injustice in your local community.

Can you join us this year in Washington?  Click here to apply. We hope to see you in Washington!

Jim Sconyers

Remember, Mother Nature bats last.