Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: dave o'leary <dave.oleary@MDSIERRA.ORG>
Sent: Tue, June 1, 2010 3:12:45 AM
Subject: NRDC on nuclear provisions in American Power Act

Here is write-up of many of the issues with the nuclear provisions in the
Kerry-Lieberman climate bill.  It is a little long, but that's only because there
are so many opportunities for improvement in the bill in ways that strengthen
our arguments for more emphasis on efficiency and renewables programs.


Those concerned about nuclear waste and taxpayer money waste can both
find appalling aspects of the bill.  Those who are interested in good government
issues, or who are expressing outrage over lack of regulatory oversight in the
BP gulf oil disaster should also read through this and take note of the proposals
for further "streamlining" of the licensing process.

One thing that is not mentioned in this summary is the relative job creation
potential of energy efficiency spending vs. construction and operation of
nuclear plants.

I encourage you to read through this and find at least a couple of things that
will resonate with your Senators, then call and suggest that they work to improve
the bill - thanks -

David O'Leary
Sierra Club - Maryland Chapter

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