Please come and invite others in the environmental community.


From: [] On Behalf Of Daniel Chiotos
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2009 8:41 PM
To: Daniel Chiotos
Subject: [wvec-board] *Save the Date* WV Environmental Council's Fall Convention



West Virginia Environmental Council

20th Annual Fall Meeting Convention

September 25-27th, 2009

Holly Grey Park, Sutton, WV

*Please save the date for our 20th annual Fall Convention which will feature discussions & workshops on WV Environmental Issues, planning for our 2010 Legislative Priorities, a great keynote speaker as well as great music, great people, and an evening birthday party for the WV Environmental Council.  More information will be coming out about this throughout the summer. But we want to make sure that WV Environmental  organizations and our grassroots activists get this on your calendars now.


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