See thread below.  Should we plan an action?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matthew Golub <>
Date: Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: FW: See the Climate Hustle movie next Monday, May 2, 7:00 PM Regal Theaters, Morgantown
To: James Kotcon <>

It seems that the professor who sent the email made a special arrangement with the Regal in Morgantown to have a screening, but it doesn't appear to be on the website yet.

On Apr 28, 2016 11:57 AM, "James Kotcon" <> wrote:

Thanks for catching this.  According to their website, it is being shown May 2 in Nitro and Bridgeport. 

Is there a Morgantown showing?  Is this something for a protest action?

Jim Kotcon

From: <> on behalf of Matthew Golub <>
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:23 AM
Subject: Fwd: FW: See the Climate Hustle movie next Monday, May 2, 7:00 PM Regal Theaters, Morgantown
This email was just sent to all Engineering majors. I checked the film's website, and found this interesting tidbit: "CLIMATE HUSTLE will be in theaters for a one-night event on Monday, May 2nd, and will include an exclusive panel discussion following the film featuring Gov. Sarah Palin..." I expect credibility to be at an all-time high for this nationwide screening. If it were free, I would consider going. I could sure use a good laugh to get me through the end of the semester.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Statler-StudentServices <>
Date: Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:29 AM
Subject: FW: See the Climate Hustle movie next Monday, May 2, 7:00 PM Regal Theaters, Morgantown

Students and Faculty:  


While I was in Washington DC two weeks ago I had a chance to review the substance of the movie Climate Hustle.  It was shown in the Whitehouse and in a variety of forums in Congress. Since we as engineers are often asked to opine on situations that relate to the environment and energy production and more importantly we are required to implement solutions that come from the policies that are passed based on the current understanding of the day, I felt it important to provide this same movie in the area for your edification.  I asked the manager at Regal to provide the film for a 7:00 PM showing this coming Monday May 2nd.  This film will be shown once at hundreds of theaters across the country.  I hope you will take the opportunity to go and see this documentary on Climate Change.  Thanks.


Jim Smith

Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering





Climate Hustle 

Be sure to see this movie Monday, May 2 – during its one-night nationwide engagement

Without presenting it to the US Senate, as required by the Constitution, President Obama has signed the Paris climate treaty. He is already using it to further obligate the United States to slash its fossil fuel use, carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth … control our lives, livelihoods, living standards and liberties … and redistribute our wealth. Poor, minority and working class families will suffer most.

China, India and other developing economies are under no such obligation, unless and until it is in their interest to do so. For them, compliance is voluntary – and they cannot afford to eliminate the fossil fuels that supply 85% of all global energy, generate some 90% of developing nations’ electricity, and will lift billions of people out of abject poverty. That’s why these countries have built over 1,000 coal-fired power plants and are planning to build 2,300 more – while unaccountable EPA bureaucrats are shutting down US coal-fired generators, and getting ready to block natural gas production and use.

What if the entire foundation for this energy and economic insanity were erroneous, groundless, fabricated … a climate con job – a Climate Hustle?

That is exactly what CFACT’s new movie demonstrates is actually going on.

Climate Hustle is the perfect antidote to the destructive, demoralizing climate alarmism that dominates political decisions and obsesses the Obama White House and EPA. You owe it to yourself to see it.

It’s coming to a theater near you on Monday, May 2, for a special one-night engagement.

I saw Climate Hustle April 14, at its U.S. premiere on Capitol Hill in Washington. The film is informative and entertaining, pointed and humorous. As meteorologist Anthony Watts says, it is wickedly effective in its using slapstick humor and the words and deeds of climate alarmists to make you laugh at them.

It examines the science on both sides of the issue … presents often hilarious planetary Armageddon prophecies of Al Gore, Leonard Nimoy and other … and lets 30 scientists and other experts expose the climate scares and scams, explain Real World climate science, and delve deeply into the politics and media hype that have surrounded this issue since it was first concocted several decades ago

Sizzling temperatures. Melting ice caps. Destructive hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and droughts. Disappearing polar bears. The end of civilization as we know it! The end of Planet Earth!

Emissions from our power plants, cars, factories and farms are causing catastrophic climate change!

Or are they? Is there really a “97% scientific consensus” on this? Or is “dangerous manmade climate change” merely the greatest overheated environmentalist con-job and shell game ever devised to advance the Big Green anti-energy agenda?

See this amazing film on May 2, and find out for yourself. To learn where it’s showing near you, and to buy tickets,

You’ll be glad you did.


Climate Hustle is hosted by award-winning investigative journalist Marc Morano.  A former communications director for the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Morano is publisher of CFACT’s The film is a production of the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and CDR Communications. See the movie. Bring your friends. Make it a party.

Paul Driessen



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