From: Denise Binion []
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 8:44 PM
To: Denise Binion

Subject: Democracy for America Training Opportunity

Hi everyone,

I had a call from the National Democracy For America recently in response to a survey I filled out last month. They are interested in putting on the Campaign Academy training and it would be the first one ever for WV! They are very interested in promoting progressive politics in WV. They are also interested in tailoring the training to include specific projects that would be of interest or helpful to us (e.g. Marcellus Shale drilling/water protection, State Democratic Party Chair, as well as State and local issues. It would be great to have the benefit of the training before the start of the 2012 campaigns.

I have talked with several people from various progressive groups throughout the state and there seems to be a lot of interest in attending this training.

There certainly is a need and also a great deal of dissatisfaction within the Democratic Party over the way things are going. This is a great opportunity at a critical time in this state and the nation. We can't afford to cede any more ground to the Republicans and DINOcrats. WV is especially desperate for some real Democratic government. Since it's based on Howard Dean's 50 State Strategy, there is no reason why we couldn't turn it into a 55 county strategy and would certainly help Progressives. I'm thinking it is something that OFA members, Brain Trust, DFA, environmental organizations and other progressive groups around the state would be interested in.

We are looking at Flatwoods as a meeting site, making it equally accessible for 1st CD, 2nd and 3rd CD folks. Registration cost will be ~ $70 ($40 for low income or students) + lodging cost which is yet to be negotiated. There is also a possibility for a limited amount of scholarships. They need 80-100 participants to hold the training. What are your thoughts about participating in this training and do you think there are others in your area organizations that may be interested.

The way things look right now, we're on our own to promote Democratic policies.  No one is going to this, it looks like we're going to have to save ourselves.

Please send me your thoughts, ideas and suggestions.

Denise Binion

Don't tell me what you believe. Tell me what you do and I'll tell you what you believe. - Timothy Lange