Well, I was on this phone call.  They only answered three questions from the listeners during though whole conference.  I submitted a question to the operator who was pretty rude, probably because he had to handle so many questions.  Almost on the spot he weeded out my question when I asked if Boone could be asked if he would be interested in calling Governor Manchin to convince him for  a "stay of execution" on Coal River Mountain (since Massey cimcumvented the law and found a way to start their blasting operations tomorrow, far earlier than CRMW expected), and ask Manchin to support the Wind Farm proposal instead. 

All in all I must say this telephone conference was more of a slick advertising show, than a candid forum for public input.  Bleh.


Jonathan Rosenbaum wrote:

Join Teleforum with T. Boone Pickens and Carl Pope
Clubhouse Updates <clubhouse@sierraclub.org>
Fri, 5 Sep 2008 19:59:37 -0500 (CDT)

Sierra Club

September 5, 2008

[For the latest news, go to http://clubhouse.sierraclub.org/.]

Join Teleforum with T. Boone Pickens and Carl Pope

Monday, September 8  -- 7:30 p.m. Eastern/6:30 Central/5:30 Mountain/4:30 Pacific
Tuesday, September 9 -- 8:30 p.m. Eastern/7:30 Central/6:30 Mountain/5:30 Pacific

1-877-229-8493 | access code 13439

Dear Club leaders,

The Sierra Club and a Texas oil billionaire working together -- what's that all about?

Well, rising energy costs and concerns about our dependence on foreign oil and global warming have sparked a national debate about America's energy future, a debate the Sierra Club welcomes and has helped lead...

Next week, Congress will consider an energy bill that offers short and long terms solutions, that includes limited off shore drilling and major advances for wind and solar power....

And Texas oil billionaire T. Boone Pickens has spent more than $50 million in national advertising and online organizing to promote "The Pickens Plan" -- if you watch commercial TV, you've probably seen his ads -- calling for a dramatic increase in wind power and in the use of compressed natural gas in our cars and trucks.

While the Sierra Club and Pickens don't agree on everything, we support those parts of his plan that help us end our oil dependence and move us towards a clean energy economy. And we want to give Club members and supporters a chance to hear Pickens and Pope discuss these critical issues -- and ask questions.

Join the conversation.

Here are the times, call-in numbers, and access codes once again:

Monday, September 8  -- 7:30 p.m. Eastern/6:30 Central/5:30 Mountain/4:30 Pacific
Tuesday, September 9 -- 8:30 p.m. Eastern/7:30 Central/6:30 Mountain/5:30 Pacific

1-877-229-8493 | access code 13439


--John Byrne Barry
Clubhouse managing editor

P.S. We're also asking everyone to call on Congress to support a balanced comprehensive energy policy that moves us towards the clean energy future and away from oil dependence by making real investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and transportation alternatives. You can find out how to learn more and get involved in the Global Warming and Energy Campaign pages in Clubhouse.

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85 Second St.
San Francisco, CA 94105

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