I’m planning on getting a bill from OH that regulates gas drilling.  The newspaper there said they will have inspectors at every site through all phases.  They are also putting up a large solar farm.


From: ec-bounces@osenergy.org [mailto:ec-bounces@osenergy.org] On Behalf Of Jim Sconyers
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 9:03 PM
To: kevin fooce; Jim Kotcon; ec@osenergy.org; wvec-board@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [EC] Fwd: How VA is Losing the Competition for Clean Energy Jobs : Virginia Chapter Sierra Club


Why don't we start trying to put together some kind of a side-by-side WV and OH?


Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.



From: kevin fooce <fmoose39@hotmail.com>
To: Jim Sconyers <jim_scon@yahoo.com>; Jim Kotcon <jkotcon@wvu.edu>; ec@osenergy.org; wvec-board@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, October 19, 2010 4:09:03 PM
Subject: RE: [EC] Fwd: How VA is Losing the Competition for Clean Energy Jobs : Virginia Chapter Sierra Club

PA has solar, MD has solar and biomass OH has been working on this for years and has a Green Energy Ohio group.

Kevin Fooce
304-751-1448 work
304-675-6687 home
304-593-2875 cell

Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 11:49:01 -0700
From: jim_scon@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: [EC] Fwd: How VA is Losing the Competition for Clean Energy Jobs : Virginia Chapter Sierra Club
To: fmoose39@hotmail.com; jkotcon@wvu.edu; ec@osenergy.org; wvec-board@yahoogroups.com

and are there good sites in other adjoining states besides OH? PA wind turbine plant, . . .


Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.



From: kevin fooce <fmoose39@hotmail.com>
To: Jim Sconyers <jim_scon@yahoo.com>; Jim Kotcon <jkotcon@wvu.edu>; ec@osenergy.org; wvec-board@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, October 19, 2010 1:24:52 PM
Subject: RE: [EC] Fwd: How VA is Losing the Competition for Clean Energy Jobs : Virginia Chapter Sierra Club

I can put a list of projects, organizations, and politicians that are pushing this agenda. Might need someone to for a good write-up though. Can ask my wife, she is a excellent writer. Would take some time though.
I believe this is a good idea that needs published on a wide format so everyone in our state can see the problems we have on clean energy and energy efficiency.

The big question is how far do we want to go? Do we want the schools listed? Some of the schools such as OU have positive aspects along with the fact they are now creating a composting facility for the whole city, to Oberlin being one of the top schools in the country for sustainability. Or maybe even list the LEED platinum facility that Hocking tech now host along with being a leader worldwide on fuel cell technologies and other programs they offer. Or would we want to look just at the solar sector and the fact that Ohio now host a 12 megawatt farm with another solar farm to come which will be one of the largest in the nation. Ohio also plays host to First Solar located in Toledo now employing 1500 people and sales about 80% of its products to China. Or maybe we want to look at the Burger plant that burns a mixture of biomass and coal and will soon be all biomass. Or maybe the fact that Ohio has programs for the farmers to turn the manure into electricity, fertilizer, and Jiffy peat pots. The list is large, what do we want to focus on?

Kevin Fooce
304-751-1448 work
304-675-6687 home
304-593-2875 cell


Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2010 16:50:15 -0700
From: jim_scon@yahoo.com
To: jkotcon@wvu.edu; ec@osenergy.org; wvec-board@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [EC] Fwd: How VA is Losing the Competition for Clean Energy Jobs : Virginia Chapter Sierra Club

I'd love to see us put together a message that highlights all the clean energy projects and jobs in, say Ohio, and asking why not us?


Jim Sconyers

Remember: Mother Nature bats last.



From: James Kotcon <jkotcon@wvu.edu>
To: ec@osenergy.org; wvec-board@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, October 18, 2010 1:27:31 PM
Subject: [EC] Fwd: How VA is Losing the Competition for Clean Energy Jobs : Virginia Chapter Sierra Club

Here is a fascinating approach to attracting attention to Green Energy.  Why not West Virginia too?


>>> Paula Carrell <Paula.Carrell@sierraclub.org> 10/18/2010 1:09 PM >>>

You all might want to take a look at how the VA Chapter is garnering
attention for their take on (unrealized) clean energy opportunities in


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