Industry has responded to SB162 with SB584,, read below  -Jonathan

SB 584 has been Referenced to the senate judiciary committee.
It is an attempt by the utility companies to avoid energy efficiency through least cost (sb162) and get recovery of expanded costs through consumer rate relief bonds
There may be a floor hearing tomorrow and it would help if our legislators hear that we are opposed to it.  SB 162 is a better alternative.

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Leslee McCarty <>
Date: February 16, 2012 10:35:27 PM EST
To: marilyn mcgeorge <>
Subject: Re: SB 584

It's not on agenda cause we asked for a public hearing. I will have them tomorrow. I'm home now and computers at work. Basically the power company aep or apco paid too much for coal and psc would not approve rate increase so they want to sell bonds to put off rate payer pain.
They need to get off coal and diversify, encourage energy efficiency etc
They would rather get it from us one way or the other.

Sent from leslee's iphone

On 2/14/2012 9:21 AM, Jim Sconyers wrote:
Important - We need to help two very important energy bills - now!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Molly McLaughlin <>
Date: Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 9:25 PM
Subject: [eewv] Energy Efficient West Virginia: February 13 Weekly Update

Be sure to visit and share EEWV's website - - so you can stay up to date on Energy Efficiency during the legislative session. Here is this week's update!

Take Action! Email Senator Palumbo!

Support Least Cost Planning Legislation by emailing Senator Palumbo at Appalachian Power, Mon Power and Potomac Edison are working hard to stop this bill, but we can't let them. Email Senator Palumbo and let him know you want him to support lower utility rates. Here is a sample of what to say in your email:

Hi Senator Palumbo,

Please put a strong version of SB162, the Integrated Resource Planning bill, in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee for a vote.  We need a bill that requires power companies to identify the resources that will serve customers at the "lowest system cost" so that the PSC can effectively manage electric rates.

Least cost planning will save us money. Putting a strong version of this bill on the agenda will show you’re against rate increases. Please pass Senate Bill 162 without amendments.

Once you've emailed him, send this email to your friends and family so that they can support S.B. 162 and lower utility rates, too.

Legislative Update

  • The Least Cost Planning Bill, S.B. 162, has not been put on the agenda for the Senate Judiciary Committee yet, despite the support of the majority of committee members, because of opposition from the power companies. These companies know that West Virginians are upset about the drastic electricity rate increases, but don't want to stop. Now, more than ever, it is important that you call Senator Palumbo and insist he run a strong S.B. 162. See the action alert above for how you can email Senator Palumbo in support of this bill. Here is a link to the bill.
  • The Energy Efficiency Resource Standard Bill has not been introduced yet. We need you to email Delegate Miley and the other members of the House Judiciary Committee and pressure them to put this bill on the agenda. Here's how. We'll let you know as soon as the bill is introduced.

Energy Efficiency "Call your Legislators" Lunch!

Who: YOU!

What: Energy Efficiency "Call your Legislators" Lunch
When: February 16, 11AM - 1PM
Where: Downstream Strategies
             295 High Street
             Morgantown, WV

Lunch will be provided. Link to the Facebook Event.

Join Energy Efficient West Virginia (EEWV) on February 16 from 11AM - 1PM to learn about two energy efficiency related bills the WV State Legislature is considering this year and to call your legislators and let them know West Virginians NEED Energy Efficiency. Over the past three years, the average West Virginian’s utility bill has increased by 30-60%. Many families in West Virginia spend one-fourth of their incomes on utilities and rates are still increasing. Something needs to change. Energy efficiency in West Virginia will lower utility bills, create jobs and make our state healthier and happier to live in.

Join EEWV as we learn about these bills and the potential of energy efficiency in West Virginia and then call our legislators and let them know West Virginians NEED energy efficiency.

Because lunch will be provided, please RSVP to if you plan to attend.


Questions? Email Molly at or visit our website at

Molly McLaughlin
Energy Efficient West Virginia

Jim Sconyers

Remember, Mother Nature bats last.
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