I am available any of those dates...if I know enough in advance to arrange.
----- Original Message -----
From: James Kotcon
To: EC@osenergy.org
Cc: mdavis@wvu.edu
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:30 PM
Subject: [EC] Please Respond-Energy Committee Conference Call

I would like to schedule a conference call to make plans for the 2009 Sierra Club Energy Committee Campaigns, and just realized that the Holidays are going to create scheduling conflicts for some people.

Among the Agenda items needing a decision, action, assignments, and brainstorming, please be thinking about the following.  let me know if you have any additional topics to be discussed.

1) PATH/TrAIL fundraising letter

2)  Other PATH fundraising actions, grants, etc.

3)  Proposed budget for 2009
  (We have discussed the potential for hiring an organizer to do grassroots development/membership around PATH, as well as legal and technical costs of appeals.)

4)  PATH New Matter Form (to be circulated soon)

5)  Coal-To-Liquids plant in Mingo County

6)  Carbon Capture and Sequestration at Mountaineer Plant/Mason County

7)  NIETC Comments to FERC (Due Dec. 31)

8)  2009 state legislative agenda (PSC reform, Green Buildings, RPS, EEPS, etc.)

9)  Energy Committee Membership (Who is interested in continuing, suggest new members, etc.)

10)  Future PATH public meetings (Feb) and Sierra Club Transmission Line Legal Forum (March)

11)  More Action?

Please let me know which of the following times/dates you will be available:

Saturday, Dec. 27, 11 AM

Saturday, Dec. 27, 7 PM

Sunday, Dec. 28 1 PM

Sunday, Dec. 28 7 PM

Monday, Dec. 29 7 PM

Tuesday, Dec. 7 PM

Wed. Dec. 31, 1 PM

Wed. Dec. 31 6 PM

Only available after Jan. 1

My apologies for any inconvenience.  I really should have done this sooner, and will try to schedule this when the most people can participate.

Jim Kotcon
304-293-8822 (office)
304-594-3322 (home)

P.S.  If you are no longer interested in working on this committee, let me know that too, and we can find replacements.

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