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Lisa Evans <levans@earthjustice.org>
Date: Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 8:42 PM
Subject: COAL ASH VOTE IN HOUSE TOMORROW (FRIDAY): Still time to make a call!
Dear Friends--
Please remind your Representative to vote to protect health and the environment and OPPOSE H.R. 2273! There is still time to call or email.
Urge your congressperson to vote NO on H.R. 2273-- the coal ash bill introduced by Rep. McKinley (R-WV), which threatens the health of thousands of Americans nationwide by allowing states to continue operating leaking and dangerous coal ash dumps without requiring basic safeguards.
Please call and email your Representative as early as possible now or on Friday morning.
A list of all house offices and environmental staffers is attached to this email.
Simply ask your Congressman to stand for pubic health and a safe environment and oppose H.R. 2273. You may wish to tell your Representative that passage of H.R. 2273 will endanger Americans nationwide:
-- By allowing the indefinite operation of dangerous coal ash ponds like the one that collapsed in Tennessee in 2008;
-- By allowing the continued poisoning of drinking water and fouling of air with ash containing arsenic,hexavalent chromium, lead, mercury and other hazardous metals, and
-- By preventing EPA from enforcing safety standards at coal ash dumps and preventing the Agency from ever regulating coal ash disposal in the future.
And you may wish to tell your Representative that H.R. 2273 will not increase recycling (because it encourages wet disposal) and will not create jobs. A study released this week by a Tufts University economist concluded that a strong subtitle C coal ash rule would net as many as 28,000 jobs each year.
Thank you in advance for making this important call and sending an email to your Representative. Please send this alert to your own lists for maximum impact.
Lisa Evans
Lisa Evans
Senior Administrative Counsel
21 Ocean Ave.
Marblehead, MA 01945
(781) 631-4119
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