To the Energy Committee:
Here is a new opportunity to make a real difference.  Working with Energy Efficient West Virginia (EEWV) the WV Chapter wants to develop a major campaign to promote energy efficiency.  That's where you come in.
While it is important to fight bad mining practices and polluting power plants, we will not really make substantive progress as long as people want more and more electricity and coal is the low cost provider.  No realistic effort to address global warming is possible without fundamental restructuring and reductions in our energy use.  The good news is that EE is actually cheaper, faster, safer, and cleaner than any other source of energy.
So how do we get there, especially here in West Virginia?
WV SC and EEWV will hold a joint EE campaign planning meeting in Flatwoods at 3-6 PM, Saturday, April 28.  Start making plans to attend.  We need new ideas, new volunteers, and fresh leadership, and this is your chance to be part of something great.  The options range from local education efforts, to working with the PSC, to statewide legislative in initiatives. What we do depends on what YOU want to do, so come be a part of the planning. 
Let me know if you can participate, or if you know someone else who should be involved.
Mark you calendars now, more details soon.
Jim Kotcon
304-293-8822 (office)
304-594-3322 (home)